Over the weekend i was chatting with a girl i met when i was out with my friends. She’s really attractive and i was into her personality so i asked her for her number.

Days later i texted her to ask her how the rest of her night went and if i could call her sometime. She texts me back with this response and i quote “So im kind of seeing someone”

I was confused by that since she could have just mentioned that to me when we were talking that night, especially after i asked her for her number. I just don’t understand why she would give me her number if she was seeing someone. Most girls have just straight up told me they either have a boyfriend or talking to someone and i wish them best of luck and move on.

Idk what do you guys think? why give a number to a guy you met a bar one night when you are seeing someone? i haven’t texted her back yet since i genuinely don’t know how to respond

  1. She’s single. Of course she’s seeing other men. You are single as well and you should be seeing other women. Just tell her that is totally fine and let her know the day you are free and ask her out on a date.

    She most likely sent you that message to make sure you don’t get too attached… you were probably giving off “lovey dovey” feelings or you come off like every average guy… so she’s hitting you with that message to see how you react.

    So far, from the post you made, it clearly got under your skin and you reacted negatively to it so her instinct was right.

  2. I’ve heard from women that they may have done the same thing if they didn’t want to upset the person asking for the number. Rejected and angry men can be scary.

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