Husband abandoned me for another woman. He was my first and only love. I’ve never been serious with anyone else. I’m only 25, but we were high school sweethearts and best friends. We did everything together. I keep waiting for him to wake up and come back to me. I know I deserve better and more and I shouldn’t even accept him back into my life if he came back, but I don’t care. I wish with my full heart he’d be back.

I know the first step is getting through the denial, but I can’t do it. If I move on and try to be happy, that means that this is actually happening. I can’t do this. I don’t want this life. Nothing brings me joy anymore. I miss him and ruminate on it every second of every day since he left 2 months ago. I hate the other woman too. She knew he was married and didn’t care. I’m so upset. Why can’t they just “break up”?

  1. Well it’s been two months, that’s nothing when it comes to healing. Check in six months or even a year.. if you still feel no differently, seek counseling m

  2. I’m so sorry to read of your pain. Just take it day by day, and know you will be with someone better one day.

  3. I’m sorry this is happening to you. Just know, you deserve better, and someone who would do that to you wasn’t meant to be your forever. Especially if it involved cheating. I’d highly recommend therapy, this is something that’ll be very difficult to get through on your own. Maybe you could ask him to talk, for some closure. It’ll hurt but if he sits down with you and says *we will not be getting back together, I don’t have those feelings anymore* etc, it’ll help you start to process what’s happened and that you have to move on. Remember, you deserve better.

  4. He doesn’t care how you feel. He doesn’t care that he hurt you. He doesn’t respect you and he doesn’t spend anytime thinking about your shared history.

    I’m sorry to be blunt but you need to hear these things, accept them and start getting on with your life. The person you fell in love with doesn’t exist, he died the minute he put his dick in another woman.

    The life you currently have is one he FORCED on you with his actions. Don’t accept it, create the future you want with someone that’s worth your time. Don’t live inside the cage he’s created for you.

  5. I am so sorry this happened, I think it’s ok to feel that pain and hurt, something like this isn’t easy to process and move on from, but you deserve someone that won’t cheat on you. You are worthy of love. I do think that finding a therapist could be really helpful too, they can help you process these really difficult feelings.

  6. Been through the same, don’t look back. Cling onto the good in your life with your all your might

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