So,I (27M) have a friend (26F) and we have been Friends for like 7 years. Before web spoke daily,now since he has 5 Jobs (all for few hours but they keep her busy) we sometimes dont speak for 3-4 days but our conversations tend to be good (non-superficial i mean). We dont hang out often,before because she saw her boyfriend on weekend and now that she is single because he tends yo he busy (either doing guards since she is a nurse or doing running races,hang out with her Friends,etc)
The thing is,lately i have been feeling like a secondary type of friend,because although we were best Friends,seems like she doesnt have time to see me,but she sees other friends. She normally tells me (on birthday or Christmas and so) that I’m very important to her and those type of things,but I dont feel like she supports It with her actions.
Also she is always suggesting plans to do,but as I said,in the end we almost never see each other(last time was in july to see a movie)

Two fridays ago,she told me to hang out on saturday,but in the morning next day,she told me she couldnt because a friend of her with cáncer was also going to were we would meet (they were collecting their shirts for a running race) and she wanted to see her instead

Of course I dont mind that,since her friend obviously is more important (is a terminal cáncer),but she never apologized or suggested another day to meet (and she has done this “cancelling last time” some other times)

Since then I left her on read because I didnt feel like I wanted to respond,and two weeks later we havent talk yet.

For me,since she is the one that cancelled,she should be the one talking again to revive the conversation or suggest another plan to “compensate” and show me that she still cares about me.Is this a proud attitude by me or am I right?

I dont want to lose her as a friend but if I am for her like a Buddy to chat when she is bored but not important enough to actually spend time with,maybe is the best to end this friendship

PS:Sorry for all the text,I always tend to elaborate too much for the context xD

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