were there things your daydream and fantasies got right or were most of them all dead wrong? any scenes or scenarios that you imagined that actually happened in real life?

  1. People are more difficult than you imagine them in your head. Fantasies are fantasies for a reason, you’re imagining cuddling in bed and pushing a stroller at the park with her. You don’t think about the stuff like disagreements, bad habits and personalities clashing. Sometimes when you get the person you wanted, they just lose those qualities that made you fall in love with them because they get too comfortable. That’s why a lot of marriages fail. People fall in love with ideas instead of pragmatic constructions to make life goals work.

  2. Expected it to be all sunshine and rainbows, and definitely a lot of or near endless sex as a horny teen.

    Definitely not what I expected, as we didn’t know shit about sex, or what to do, and also, that there’s a whole other side than just hanging out and making out.

  3. I always imagined sex to be this wonderful thing. It turns out it’s even better than that.

  4. My first crashed and burned like the Hibdenburg. I gave her my heart and she stomped it.

    The second has lasted 40 years, so far.

  5. Never daydremead about it since before it I was sure it’s just not worth it – too much extra work and extra worries and too little to gain in return. But had a basic idea about what it would be like anyways.

    Turns out that, for that specific case, I was correct, though I got an idea of what a healthy/good relationship could be like so at least I now know IF it was with a right person (a, not the) it could be worth it.
    Didn’t expect sex to be THAT much of a focus. Got annoying at some point cause I also found out it’s… okay, but not even remotely as great as people make it out to be. Of all the non-negatives it’s definitely my least favourite part of a relationship.
    Assumef since there are two people who really care for each other, there would be actual communication if any problems arise, right? RIGHT?
    Came in expecting the classic “I got migraine”-situation, had that stupid clichee guys in the back of my mind who finish first then just turn around and fall asleep as well. Had ideas about how to properly handle thdse things. Turns out the latter goes both ways and while a “no” to sex voiced by the woman isto be accepted and not make any fuss about it no matter how frequently it happens, if the GUY was to say “no”, that’s not to just be accepted to some – not without trying to convince, guilt trip and if that doesn’t work, through a huge fit, making a huge show about turning around and being pissed (and ofc hurt for some more guilt trip/emotional pressure for good measure).

  6. Significantly less smooching than I imagined. Although, to be fair, that’s probably because about half of my fantasies involved kissing.

    Infinitely less desire for my dick on her part.

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