Context: We are both in our final school year rn and exams start in like less than a week but stuff like this has being going on for ages and it’s always just excuses

We have a sorta mid distance relationship where it takes 2 hours to get to each other but she has barely prioritised seeing me for the past three ish months

we have been together for 6 months and when we first started seeing each other we would see each other every weekend and spend all of the holidays together

For the past 3 months ish i only really see her every 3 weeks and this isn’t ok for me.

on weekends where we can’t see each other it’s because she’ll say she has to study for a test coming up. But we still talk on the phone throughout the weekend and almost every time she will end up studying about and hour or two and spend the rest of the time hanging out with friends, going to parties or going clubbing ( all with her friends or her sister) Which upsets me because to me it feels like she is lying about it. She says she’s not doing it maliciously or anything and i her believe her, but it just makes me feel like the least of her priorities and she doesn’t seem to care.

For example this tuesday we said she would come down to mine for a few days and we would study together, but then she tells me a few days beforehand it’s too much of a hassle for her to come all the way there now and it’ll use too much of her time.

when she said this to me it upset me again because she was literally going to a party with her friends the day after she said that.

when i confronted her about it and said it feels like she changes plans with me all the time and i feel like one of the least of her priorities, she straight up told me i was right now and said it was because of school.

(this is sorta unrelated btw but at the party she said there was this guy there who she couldn’t tell was being friendly or creepy but he was grabbing her waist and stuff while they were playing beer pong and tried to get her to come to his car because he thought she was cold and wanted to give her a jacket ‘she ovs didn’t go or else i wouldn’t broken up with her if she went back to some dudes car’ still annoys me though because it’s obvious he wanted her)

Now comes to the original reason i decided to write this post.

i was meant to come over this friday night and the day before on thursday at work her manager pressured her into working friday night when i was supposed to come over even though she technically could’ve declined

i tell her on the phone later i was annoyed at this and said “what am i supposed to do just sit in your room for 3 hours”

to which she mocked me and said boohoo, and then said she was pissed that i was doing shit like this again and getting mad at her and trying to make her feel guilty.

i tell her i’m not pissed or anything i’m just annoyed and that we will talk later and then she hangs up and messages me 5 minutes later saying i can’t come over this weekend anymore because i have pushed her boundaries

i don’t know what the fuck to do she says she can’t be glued to my side and always do the things that i want and that i’m too needy but i never see her so i’m annoyed she sacrifice our time together.

she says she needs space and has been ignoring me since last night.

don’t know what the fuck to do tbh, feels like the relationship is completely one sided and i’m not allowed to get upset with her.

TL;DR girlfriend pushing me away constantly and doesn’t make me feel like a priority or that she cares. Relationship feels very one sided and if i argue with her for something that upsets me i’m wrong and trying to make her feel guilty

1 comment
  1. You’re not able to make this work. You two are both emotionally unable to support this relationship. No one is in the wrong, but you both have some growing up to do. The jealousy on your part and the need to grow a backbone on her part and set boundaries with her work. There’s quite a lot of red flags in this scenario on both your parts. Don’t do this to each other anymore and let each other go. She needs to focus on school, and you need to focus on your feelings. I’m not saying that what either of you feel is invalid, but you two aren’t emotionally mature enough to find the best way to do this.

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