What is your opinion on female professors flirting with female students?

  1. I work in higher Ed as a professor and a college administrator. It would be inappropriate and, depending on the details, potentially reportable and punishable.

  2. When I was 19 I had a female teacher who was about 35 try to flirt with me. It was really disturbing. She followed me to the bathroom once and asked why I had to go twice during class. I was on my period. She came to my softball games and cheered loudly for me and would stand right at the fence behind the catcher. I was the pitcher. It made my life more difficult and hard to focus. I was already going through hard time because my dad died a couple years earlier in a very traumatic way. I wish she would have been more professional and respected boundaries.

  3. I think it’s an abuse of power and inappropriate if a professor of any gender flirts with their students.

  4. It’s highly inappropriate for any professor to be doing that. Gender doesn’t mean shit.

  5. The same as any professors flirting with any students. It’s disgusting. It doesn’t matter if the students are adults. Respect their education and their right to focus on the reason they are there.

  6. I have the same opinion I do about any professors who flirt with their female students, or their male students, or their nonbinary students- Knock That Creepy Shit Off And Never Do It Again. Or Please Resign.

  7. No professor should ever flirt with any student. One reason is the power imbalance. A male assistant professor flirtet with me and almost touched me and I couldn’t reject it since he was responsible for giving me points. I am still traumatised 3 years later and it impacted my ability to study.

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