Okay so here’s the run down how what’s going on. I’m a sophomore in high school, and there’s this girl who pretty obviously has a crush on me. Problem is I have very conflicted feelings about her and the idea of a relationship right now.

Firstly, you’re gonna need to know what I’m taking as “signals” from her that she likes me.
1. She follows me every where in school, walks with me to classes
2. She randomly complements me (you’re really nice ect.)
3. She bakes me cookies and gives specifically me gifts
4. She laughs at all of my jokes, and looks at me when everyone is laughing (these are things I’ve been told signal a crush.
5. She teases me, a lot, almost annoying amount
6. She tries to sit close to me in group environments
7. She’s tried to hold my hand, pats me on the back, and does this thing when I’m sitting she puts her feet on top of mine

That’s about all of the signs I’ve seen.

Now here’s my problem; I don’t know if I like her back, or if I’m ready for another relationship.

Some explanation on my reasons… I don’t know if I like her, all of the things she does make me uncomfortable during the moment, I feel like I want to get away and do something else. But after the day is done I think it was kinda nice to have someone that interested in me to do that. But the next day I feel uncomfortable again. Another few problems are that she’s a freshman and I’m not sure I’m comfortable dating a freshman as a sophomore.

On the part of not being ready for another relationship, that’s a whole other story. My last relationship was a complete disaster, involving ALOT of mental health problems that I won’t get into. Anyway I really don’t want to go through the pain and drama of my first relationship again.


Girl likes me, I don’t really feel the same. What do I do.

What’s y’all’s thoughts

  1. I think you need to gently put boundaries in place. If you’re uncomfortable then you don’t have to force yourself to be ok with something. She needs to know you’re not okay with it and have no desire to reciprocate

  2. It seems like you enjoy the idea of a relationship in terms of being cared about, but not necessarily by this girl. It’s tricky and I don’t think you want to hurt her feelings but maybe try and put some healthy distance between you so she can cool off a bit. It definitely sounds like she’s into you (I mean she could just be super friendly but yeah) from what I’ve read you’ve got a lot of reasons to hold off for a while, do some healing and wait til you’re really into someone before you get into a relationship again. Hope things go well!

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