I met this girl yesterday at an event and we hit it off pretty well, getting deep into conversations with a little intimacy. We asked each other when we would see each other next, since we both won’t be coming to next week’s event, so we decided on the week after that. Late last night I added her on instagram, she accepted and followed this morning, then I sent a message, she replied immediately, I asked if she wanted to do something later today, which took her 40 minutes to see and now she hasn’t replied.

Did I ask her out too quickly? She seems interested, just felt like I moved a little quickly. I wasn’t coming off as desperate or rushy yesterday at all since I even ignored her a little to speak with some other people, but I showed her my interest at other times.

When should I send another text or should I just wait until she replies?

  1. Just give it time, be patient. You hitting her up to hang out shows more that you’re interested in her than anything. She probably has other plans already, and you’re not at that stage yet so just relax and take it easy.

  2. Wait a bit. Maybe she needs to reschedule something before she gives you an answer.

    You can write to her again tomorrow, but do it without specific indication of the day and time – you’d better write – “can we meet next weekend?”. If she is really interested, she will either answer yes, or will offer to move it to another day and time more convenient for her.

  3. Wait a day or two, and then follow up.
    But if after a couple weeks, you are the one texting her first and she is slow to respond or ghost, I jet her (move to someone else). There’s being busy and then there’s just not that into you.

  4. ??? You talked to her in person and decided the best time to see each other next would be in 2 weeks time – at another event. Then you asked her if she wanted to do something later today (meaning literally the day after you saw her at the event). And she’s not replying because she’s trying to figure out if she led you on or not…

    1 or 2 things will likely happen. She’ll either reply back tomorrow, conveniently sidestepping today, because pretending that she wasn’t asked about doing something, is (in her mind) easier than rejecting your invite. Or you won’t hear from her again, and she’ll make it a point to avoid you next time you see her at that upcoming event.

    Or she could have a legit reason to be busy (unlikely but possible). Or she could hit you up later on with an alternative time to meet (unlikelier, but you never know).

    >Did I ask her out too quickly?

    Nope. If anything you should have nailed down an actual date when you were talking to her face to face. Now, all you can do is wait 2 weeks and hope she shows up at this next event.

  5. Wait until she replies. Don’t send another message or you will seem desperate. If she doesn’t respond in 2 days, then reach out and see how she’s doing. Act like you never asked her out and wait for her to ask you out then.

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