Ever since I was young, the only way I’ve dealt with my problems is to run away and I hate being this way.

I’m 28 now and every job and relationship I’ve had, ever since I was 16 ,has ended in me running away as soon as I have been faced with something incredibly stressful. I just quit and leave, instead of talking about the issue and resolving it. This reaction to stress and anxiety has cost me so many relationships and fantastic jobs and I’m so tired of reacting this way.

Do you guys have any tips or advice on how I can face issues more directly? Thanks.

  1. I used to avoid dealing with problems, but I learned that the best way to deal with them is to take them head on and don’t put it off. The more you wait, the worse it gets. Just force yourself to do it and it gets easier. Life is much better without that shit weighing on you.

  2. My Dad once told me “Nothing bad ever gets better by ignoring it.” Just because you’re running away from these situations, they’re not solved. They’re still out there, impacting your life by denying you things. And they’ll keep building up; it might feel like you’ve escaped the stress by running away, but eventually, the negative effects of these missed oppurtunities are going be worse than that stress. It will pen you in and make you depressed. You cannot live a life without stress, but doing what you’re doing now is making it much worse than it needs to be.

    It sounds like you may want to talk with a therapist; the problem is this has become a habit, which is going to make it tough to break without some structure/strategy, which they could provide.

    If that’s not an option, see if you have a friend who could help. The next time you feel faced with one of these situations, let them know, and tell them specifically you are going to avoid bailing with their help. Having someone you are accountable to can make a big difference

  3. You can’t reason yourself into a personality change, not simply anyway.
    Throw yourself into a problem you know you can’t run away from, so you have no choice in it. Do this for small things and continually escalate it. Eventually you’ll have changed this aspect of you.
    Or speak to a therapist, but that’s not as fun to put in a biography.

  4. Just do it. No excuses. No half assing. No running. Just face it and do it. At some point you need to be a man, and nothing anyone else says or does for you can change that fact.

  5. “If circumstances force you to eat a frog, don’t dawdle. If you have to eat two frogs, eat the big one first.” –Mark Twain

    That said, I often run away from bad situations at first. Then I come back and kind of sneak up on them. I sort of turn my brain off and just start. Then I realize I’m in it and it’s too late to back out so I might as well go through with it.

    Fortunately, I’ve learned that things never turn out as badly as I was afraid they would. Sometimes it’s still bad, but I always survive, and I feel a little better about myself for having faced the problem.

  6. You already know what to do because you say it in your post. Talk and resolve. That’s all there is to it really.

  7. Courage.

    You just have to tell yourself to take a stand once. Once you do and that barrier is broken, you’ll find it much easier next time.

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