It’s what I did yesterday when my boys asked me to go to the bar with them. In general I don’t go out clubbing or to bars. I can’t dance and I’m not the greatest talker so I was gonna decline to avoid embarrassing myself in front of women. I started overthinking it a little too much and running fake scenarios in my head but then stopped and asked myself, “what’s the best that could happen?”

Long story short, I danced (terribly) with some beautiful women, had fun with my guys, and got laid. So I guess the best happened.

I was definitely out of my comfort zone for most of the night but improvement doesn’t happen if you’re not willing to be uncomfortable.

So instead of thinking about the worst that could happen, do yourself a favor and ask yourself, what’s the best that could happen?

  1. That’s the right way to approach everything you feel insecure about because the best things in life come when you step forward towards things that scare you.

  2. That is a really uplifting perspective. Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your success.

  3. OMG. I am so happy to hear about your wonderful evening, and that we are BOTH pushing ourselves! I believe a Great Awaekning is occurring, or a paradigm shift, at the least!

    I was saying to a friend that I had always wanted to be enigmatic, and he said, yeah it sounds nice till you realize it just means nobody knows you because you’re not vulnerable and therefore not truly close with anyone. I said something akin to “yeah, I’m 30 now and I’m finally accepting I have to stop focusing on the negatives of human interactions. So many misinterpretations and miscommunications. We just gotta keep trying and realize that people come and go and that doesn’t make things necessarily less special but that’s just the cycle of life and the way our world works unfortunately but also it can be a fortunate thing, too. Like everyone else says, perspective matters so much and we truly can create our own reality once we get out of our own fucking way first!

    The fact that this came up without looking is the Universe (or AI) keeping me along the path! Cheers to us both.

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