Tomorrow is not my ideal Sunday, last month we spent 3 days erecting an IKEA 12-drawer monster in preparation for a middle aged decision of getting built in wardrobes (PSA far cheaper than we thought!) next week.

This means PPPPP\* so an early start. I know there’s bikinis that no longer fit me back in the depths of the underbed drawers. I’ll finally see what’s slid down the back of the 25 year old B&Q wardrobe leaning into the corner. Fluff. I bet there’s enough cat hair to make a second cat. Maybe I’ll hide a bottle of Chardonnay in the cistern.

* ^Perfect ^Preparation ^Prevents ^Piss ^Poor ^Performance

  1. Wake up, grab a brush and put on a little make up, hide the scars and fade away the shake up

  2. wake up. sex. shower. bacon sarnie. lego. f1. takeaway. nfl. bed.

    On November 5th I have; 9 kallax units, 36 kallax inserts, a sofa, dining table and chairs, a 2.5m wardrobe, a bed frame and two desks turning up from Ikea…

    I have a feeling every Sunday until Christmas I’m gonna be copying your Ikea erecting, so I’m going to savour tomorrow.

  3. lying in bed with hot coffee listening to the heavy rain on the window and spending millions of pounds lottery win from saturday.

    *Nearly, it was £2.80*

  4. Tea. Play with daughter. Morning walk with wife and daughter. Round of golf. Football on TV whilst playing with daughter with wife. A big fucking steak for tea. Breaking Bad before bed.

  5. Tomorrow will be terrible coffee at 7am, breakfast at half 7, stagger to the race bib pick up at 9, start race at 10, finish before half 12, drive home for 2 hours, get drunk in the bath and wonder why I do what I do.

  6. Up and walk the dogs in the woods in the rain. Dry off and coffee and light breakfast. Out for a carvery before football and the meat draw!

  7. Living it tomorrow. Up, bacon sarnie and coffee. Off to the gym. See wife off as she goes to work up North for a couple of day. Head to pub for football/sesh. Chippy on the way up the road and bed to myself. Monday I’ll cry and want a cuddle.

  8. Anywhere between 5.30am and 7.30am be awoken by baby chimps making enough noise to raise the dead.

    Get up, stagger to kitchen wondering WTF is going on, make wife coffee, have argument with aforementioned chimps that crisps do not a breakfast make, pour 3 different bowls of cereal, get shouted at for getting the colours wrong (despite putting said chimps choice of sugary muck in the colour bowl they originally asked for) have a small existential crisis, put cartoons on TV, referee invariable chimp argument about what to watch, finally go for a pee myself, having to pinch off half way through to vacate toilet as one of the chimps (variable as to which one) decided that they absolutely, terribly, desperately need to go *RIGHT NOW*

    Wipe chimps arse, finish wee, wash hands, dish up 2nd bowl of cereal for youngest chimp, make wife second coffee. Change TV channel. Referee second chimp fight. Give other two chimps crisps they originally asked for.

    Finally make my own espresso. Sip. Perfect. Escape to living room with said espresso, only for squabbling chimps to follow me, jump all over me, end up wearing most of the espresso. Cue second existential crisis.

    Back to kitchen, make second espresso, leave a full minute, chug. Make third espresso, get called away to wipe another chimps arse, who then decides their morning constitutional is actually a double-sitter. Wipe chimp arse a second time, get back to cold espresso, chuck it down sink, make fourth and final espresso of the day.

    Casually glance at clock. Fuck, it’s only 8.30am, and I have another 12 hours of this nonsense to go before bedtime. Cue third existential crisis.

    Tomorrow however we will be visiting my sister, and I’m excited as I’ve not seen her or my niece and nephews since August.

    I love the weekend 😊

  9. Decent coffee, a dump, an early run, bacon roll, brief swim with kid, homemade soup or similar for lunch, a country walk, roast dinner with wine, film, bed.

  10. I don’t have a particular activity or meeting anyone else so a Sunday like tommorow will be …… Lie in, get up. Have a shower and head out to buy brunch, pick up a Sunday paper then relax in a restaurant with the paper, a cup of coffee and browse the menu , order another coffee while I wait on it arriving. Then eat and read for an hour or so, probably a third coffee and maybe cheesecake. I forgot to buy bin liners from Sainsbury’s today so shall get those . Then wander off to the garden centre for a look around the aquarium shop, buy some live food for my fish and any other bits I might need. Probably get home around 3-4pm, then just be flat out lazy, maybe even have an afternoon nap .

  11. Sleep in, coffee, nice bath, pop into work to get tattooed and decorate my section for Halloween (like I meant to 3 weeks ago) and then a cozy evening in bed with the kitties and some snacks

  12. For the first time in years I am home alone.

    It will be coffee and newspaper in bed before a day of selling sbit on ebay to clear my clutter.

    I may go to the Beefeater for united breakfast if I wake in time and aren’t too hungover from tonight’s wine.

  13. I actually have a spare ticket to a rendition of Mahler at the royal Albert hall tomorrow at 3. If anyone would like to come with, DM me.

  14. Sundays are lazy days for us.

    Tomorrow will be a lie in and brunch about 12. Not sure what yet, maybe pancakes and bacon.

    Then he’ll go refill the bird feeders and then glue wee tanks and planes together for a bit and I’ll do some crochet and keep him supplied with buns tea for most of the afternoon.

    The Doctor Who special about tea time followed by the NFL, not sure what will have for dinner, maybe just some cheese on toast.

    Oh and we have a new blind to go up in the bathroom so that’ll probably get done at some point.

    I love our weekends. We enjoy spending our time together. Next weekend should be fun. We’ve bought a new game where you solve a murder with a bunch of evidence and clues. Should be good craic!

  15. Man, I ruddy hate Sundays for some reason. The vibe is off.

    Edit: It’s probably related to childhood trauma and having to be stuck in inside with that. When I did go out, it was often alone as all my mates had to wait in for their dinners

  16. Walk the dog, bacon sarnie and a cuppa, spend time with the kids, pub late afternoon, back for a Sunday dinner, chocolate and a couple cans on the sofa

  17. Up early, gym, pick up coffee on the way home, nice breakfast, watch the footy, meet friends for afternoon drinks/dinner, home for a chilled evening before getting a reasonable nights sleep before work. Wild stuff 🤪

  18. If the motivation is right, up for a run, bacon sarnie before battling the Sunday morning queues at Aldi. Treat myself to a pumpkin spice latte. Get home and maybe catch up on some telly with the wife before cracking on with Sunday dinner. Shower, shave and wind down before the eventual Sunday evening anxiety creeps in

  19. Tomorrow I shall wake up and begin the day as if it were my last. I got a phone call from my duty solicitor who told me I had missed a court date and there is a warrant for my arrest. It’s gone midnight so, tonight, I will walk into my local police station and answer the call I never heard ringing. I’ll be in front of a judge on Monday morning. I don’t know what will happen from there. Eight people tried to kick my teeth in so I barricaded myself in a toilet and called the police. I smoke a pipe so I had a pair of scissors on me. As my assailants tried to smash the door down I produced the scissors, called the police myself and made a threat to kill in order to speed up their arrival. I used the scisscors to scare the first person that entered that bathroom. I was carted off, held for the night, and went home the next day. Never heard anything until my solicitor rand me on Thursday informing me I’d missing a hearing. What a fuxking mess.

    Still not as bad trying to build ikra furniture. Wish I was building a malm. Night.

  20. Wake up too early for a weekend because it’s my friends daughters birthday party so I’ve gotta be at a soft play 40 mins away for 10am dressed and ready and awake with a wrapped present. Then lunch with friends and home to paint the hall.
    Can’t wait actually- I adore my friends little one and can’t wait to see her on her birthday.

  21. Ideal?

    * Wake 9am, get a bit high, have sex
    * Out for brunch, coffee, books
    * Weather’s nice, walk and sit in the park for a bit
    * A movie, at the cinema if there’s anything good on
    * Cook dinner, play cards
    * Sex again
    * Good night’s sleep

  22. My best Sundays were when I lived with my brother. Waking up in the lounge hungover from the night before. Watching TV for hours, hopefully including an F1 race, and playing made up games to keep the ads interesting. Head to the pub for the 4pm match and a steak with friends and stay there until closing.

  23. Up early, long swim. Go to the supermarket to get ingredients for meal prep. Put chicken in the oven.

    Come home, shower, wash hair and do beauty chores, dry hair, prep the rest of the food (cooking the carbs, cutting the veg).

    Do the dishes, look at to do list and see what I can tick off. Finish off any weekly cleaning chores I hadn’t done yet.

    Go to the pub and read with a couple of pints/meet up with friends or family in the pub for a few drinks.

    Come home, wash face and do skincare, fresh pjs, heat up some food and watch tv. Early night if possible!

  24. Wake up with a mild hangover.

    Have a full English breakfast with coffee.

    Have an hour on the PlayStation.

    Catch up on some TV.

    Watch a football game.

    Have Sunday dinner.

    Watch a movie or more catch up tv for a good few hours.

    Have some treats, usually a big bag of crisps and a bag of sweets.

    Early-ish night, watch some TV in bed or have Sunday night nookie.


  25. Leisurely wake up, no set alarms.

    A nice gentle stroll down to the newsagents, pick up a bottle of fresh orange juice, the proper stuff in a glass pint bottle that milkmen used to deliver, and if they have it, a copy of Sunday sport newspaper, I know it’s utter garbage, but it’s routine.

    I much prefer autumn and winter, so the stroll is even better if raining or snowing.

    Once home, a cup of proper coffee, fresh ground and filtered, unlike the rest of the week using instant stuff.

    Full English fried breakfast, with more fresh filtered coffee and the orange juice.

    Sunday dinner, complete with home made Yorkshire puddings and mint sauce, regardless of what meat it is. Yorkies and mint sauce with every Sunday dinner.

    Watch some utter nonsense on TV, preferably it’s something like the Goonies, or Zulu or original Italian job. More than likely dropping off for a few minutes snooze and jolting myself awake with either my chin hitting chest, or the wifes snoring being audible.

    Perhaps pick at the left over meat, maybe even a sandwich for evening meal.

    Home made bubble and squeak with the purposely left over vegetables for supper.

  26. Saturdays are for doing stuff.

    Sundays are for:

    – Wake up early (not too early though)
    – Coffee and reading in bed
    – Leisurely dog walk
    – Brunch
    – Then one of three options:
    – a) Crafting while listening to podcasts
    – b) Writing while watching one of those ‘relax’ YouTube vids
    – c) Watching films/TV on sofa (blanket optional but recommended)
    – Another leisurely dog walk
    – Sunday roast
    – Films & Sunday evening blues

    (Definitely been doing too little of this recently so indulging for a few weeks while I can get away with it.)

  27. Wake up at 3:30, lay in bed for half an hour browsing Reddit and maybe have a wank, roll a joint, have a shower and play Xbox with the boys. Sorted.

  28. Wake up.

    Make wild, passionate love to my partner before cuddling and talking for a while.

    Get up and have a nice breakfast.

    More sex.

    Go out for a nice Sunday lunch.

    Have a nice walk with my partner before heading back home for tea.

    Watch a film with each other followed by more passionate sex.

    Go to bed.

    Unfortunately, I’m single and work Sundays.

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