Visit a city far from where i am, and just be an absolute hoe. I’m young never going to be 18 again, and want to enjoy life. Should i?

I’m Bi, sexually attracted to men, romantically and sexually romantically attracted to women.

Basically, will never have a relationship with a man

  1. You do what you want to do because it’s your life. Just always remember to protect yourself and get tests every few months. And whenever you do settle on a relationship you have to be honest about this phase to your future partners.

  2. Yes, enjoy. So long as you stay safe and keep your head about you and completely own this phase of your lfe. I look back fondly on my wild phase; it taught me a hell of a lot about what I want, what I do not want — both sexually, socially, and emotionally.

  3. Assuming 18 makes you an adult where you plan to live, you can make your own decisions. You will want to be careful to keep making your own decisions, because people will try to exploit you. You will need to have your wits about you to avoid such people, so stay sober unless you are certain you are in a safe environment with trustworthy companions.

    I have no idea where to look for such a person, or how to ensure she is trustworthy, but if you can find a trustworthy and experienced hoe willing to mentor you, it would probably be a good move.

  4. Why not, if that’s what you want to do. Just make sure you’re safe – you don’t want to be looking back in regret coz you caught something or got knocked up.

  5. I dont see why not. Remember to take care of yourself and be responsible with yourself and others!

  6. You’ll regret it later if you fall in love with a man because women’s sexual past is very important to men even if we pretend it isn’t. No matter how much feminist and society try to guilt us out of it. You’ll either tell him everything and risk him thinking less of you (he will), or hide it and live with guilt and be a hypocrite when trying to convince your children not to do it.

    But it’s your future to ruin so if that’s not important to you and you can live with men using you like a paper towel, go for it.

    Sounds like you might be a lesbian so, probably won’t matter much.

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