We could be in any setting. If we’re having a conversation, or hell, even if we’re just sitting silently—if he makes prolonged eye contact with me in semi-close quarters, he pops a boner. Full sail. It doesn’t happen every time, but enough so that the trend has become obvious. I would understand it more if he was a teenager since puberty does that to you, but he’s in his thirties, so he’s past that period of his life. I’m not complaining (I think it’s sexy), but it has been very awkward for him the times that it’s happened in public. Is this normal? Something to be concerned about, maybe? He has a terrible habit of zoning out all the time, so I’m wondering if his mind is wandering *elsewhere* when he’s looking into my eyes. Just looking for some input, solutions, anecdotes, etc. Whatever you can/want to provide tbh.

Edit: Wording! I wrote this in a rush and realized that my tone sounded unintentionally negative. I promise it’s not, I’m just brain dead rn. My bad lol

  1. I am older than him by 30 years and it can happen to me as well. It is a combination of how attractive I find my partner and my able to find her sexy anytime.

  2. Sex isn’t just touching. It’s all the things in between – in this case quite literally

  3. This is pretty normal, I assume it’s because he finds you extremely attractive and finds it hard to control himself. It may help him to think of things he doesn’t find arousing when he feels aroused. Thinking of his mother, a dog, or his friend could calm him down although that does sound kinda wrong.

  4. My husband is the same way. It can be overwhelming sometimes but it’s also a huge compliment and really obvious that he’s still hot for me which is always nice to know! I’m guessing he has a high sex drive? I know mine does. I wouldn’t worry about it at all unless you’re afraid he’s looking elsewhere to help soften his boners!

  5. Hey, love is a mysterious thing. As long as he is truly into you, enjoy it because too many people want what you two have.

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