I’m pent up, and I’m tired of jerkin, I’m not quite sure what do anymore. I feel like I’m asking too much when I ask for sex, I feel the urge to seek physical touch from others, because of the lack physical touch, I am full of Lust you can say and it has no where to go… I haven’t gave into the urges, but its just there… lingering, And its gotten to the point i feel like she doesn’t even want to have sex with me…

  1. Personally, once a week is nowhere near enough. Have you had an open, honest conversation about this with her? Be honest with her about how you don’t feel your needs are being met and be honest with her about your urges.

  2. FWIW the “average” for long term sex partners is 1-2 a week. Usually when it’s a new relationship, the “new relationship energy” (aka honeymoon phase) makes it considerably higher than that. How long that lasts is highly variable.

  3. Sounds like mis-matched sex drives my friend. If you two are in a relationship where you can have that frank of a conversation, its time to have it.

  4. I’m 20 and my gf is 21. And for me it’s that I can’t keep up with the sex that she wants lol it’s the other way around. Sometimes we have sex 2-3 times a day and she still wants more. We would have sex Everytime we saw each other sometimes more than once per day so no. Once a week jsnt a lot

  5. On average, once a week at your age is considered low. If your SO is also around the same age, once a week can be considered low libido. It could be sexual incompatibility which is very important to resolve before you take the relationship further. Mostly, it gets worse when the relationship gets deeper like dating to marriage and marriage to parenthood.

  6. Same thing I am experiencing and its ever frustrating. I want it 2 times a day but I only get it maybe once every two weeks and I’m so pent up with sexual thoughts and sex in general. My(23f) husband (22m) is always stressed, tired or rather look at porn sadly. I know a couple who are the same way and I tell him that it only get worse when you get married and I should’ve left beforehand.

  7. We do it about once a day, sex is a little bit like coffee, i we don’t do it we feel weird.

    It can be really difficult to talk about but you have to

  8. Are you having 1 time a week because of incompatible schedules or just because she doesn’t want it?
    As others said, if it’s not a time problem, you might be sexual incompatible and on the long run it can be bad for your relationship.
    Were you always like this? Is she on a stressful situation?
    When in a lot of stress it is normal to lose libido. And in your case do you have a healthy diet? Diet based solely on red meat can increase your libido

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