I hate myself so much I wish i wasn’t so ugly I just want a woman to want me back I’m tired of feeling lonely all the time and I’m 20 but I look way too young for my age and I it i feel like no woman will want to talk to me because of it and I never get matches or likes on dating apps and I have a hard time coming up with stuff to talk about. i even cold approach in public and at my job and still get rejected.

girls only see me as a friend, even when i try to escalate things they still dont see me in that way. but i dont get mad because i expect stuff like that

recently i been treated ugly by women. this girl i liked said,”why would i date u, its better looking men in here”.

i had a feeling i was getting rejected because im ugly. one of my friends always make jokes that im ugly, and say thats why i dont get girls. its true though thats why. he always tell me dont waste time approaching cute

women because im gonna rejected. i mean hey he aint wrong. every time i tried to meet or talk to a girl, its always they have a boyfriend or they not interested or they blow me off. i heavily been thinking about paying to be in relationships

  1. Hun it sounds like you need some therapy and some better self esteem. Looks ain’t it for all women and if l take your word for it and you are ugly then that aint the end all be all. Work on yourself and your own mental health. People will pick up on your lack of confidence and low self esteem and that aint attractive. Also if ur looks are a problem stop with dating apps cause those are self esteem destroyers and do not favor the unnattractive. l wanna privy what l say next with this: do not just so stuff to get women. Self improvement should be done for yourself.
    Now on to some steps you can take.
    1) firstly get in to see a therapist if you havent already (also if money allows l know they can be expensive). Good mental health is sexy my dude.
    2) try and work on boosting your self esteem and being happy alone. l don’t mean that in a give up on relationships type of way l mean it in a be happy with yourself first type of way. If you put all your social needs and self esteem on a woman thats gonna create a toxic relationship. So go out there and try and learn to be happy by yourself.
    3) idk your friend situation but having a happy and active social life will help you boost yourself up. Its attractive to women if you got stable relationships.
    4) interests and hobbies. Idk what you like but throw yourself at it. Having interesting hobbies and interests makes you more interesting. Many hobbies are also great ways to meet people with similar interests as yourself. Common interests are sexy.
    5) you can do things to improve your looks. Idk what you look like but good skincare, hair care, and generally looking well groomed and having good hygiene helps boost your looks. You can also work out cause many girls like guys with muscles. You can also spiffy up your wardrobe. Learn to dress for your body type and complexion. A nice outfit can work wonders.
    6) boost your charisma. You can learn how to talk better, come up with jokes, and work on your delivery. Being comfident when you speak and speaking eloquently or being the funny guy can score you points. Just make sure to steer clear of pickup artists as those are usually creepy and scams. Look more into comedy classes and public speaking. You can probably find some stuff on youtube.
    Anyways sorry for the long response l hope this helps.

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