Could be any situation, losing a place to stay, someone leaving, an argument with your family, being overwhelmed by your environment, etc.

What do you do to comfort yourself or calm down when emotions are high?

  1. I try to cry to let it out or remember that worse things have happened to me before and I’m still here.

  2. Depends on what emotions I’m feeling but weightlifting, vegging out and playing video games, going for a walk, and watching a favorite show on tv are all options

  3. I’m overly logical (to the point of being considered quite unusual)

    When something is bothering me there are three responses.

    1) do something about it because I can. That makes me feel better with progress toward a solution

    2) don’t do something about, but know I can. Discard the emotional response because I chose not to do point 1

    3) I can’t do anything about it. discard the emotion because there’s no point in dwelling. This one is rarely the case so it’s usually pointing me back to figuring out how point 1 can come into play.

    Its weird, I know.

    It also helps that I take time, in general, to do things I enjoy so that time helps keep the rest of my life in a calm state.

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