Men of reddit, Do you wear any makeup or Face Product when you go out for someone’s wedding or similar formal event ?

  1. No? I feel like that’s not a thing unless you’re a guy who regularly uses make up in their day to day life. Which is a small but passionate group of guys who are into that sort of stuff. At best, the average guy probably applies Nivea face cream or beard lotion but that’s about it

  2. Nope. I just clean my face, make my eyebrows not look like shite and maybe put some lotion on if I have some

  3. No…

    No man ….

    Fuck no man…

    I believe you can get your ass kicked saying something like that

  4. No, just lotion. Not a mime and not a circus clown. Usually guys who wear makeup of some sort are gay, bi, gender fluid, or like to wear womens clothing. We live in a society where you can wear anything your heart desires if that gives you an answer.

  5. I’ve only been to one wedding and didn’t wear any then.

    Either my face looks decent or it looks like crap. If it looks like crap I’d rather embrace that than hide from it

  6. Nah just a lotion because I get a little redness and look weird with a camera flash. Nothing else.

  7. I think makeup on men at weddings is an Asian thing. Got some Korean friends who did it but it isn’t common elsewhere.

  8. Moisturizer to keep our skin on the body in negative degrees. And.. Puss puss…two sprays of deo to cover up the fact that we didn’t bath.

  9. Nope, shit, shower, suit and ready to go.

    If I’m feeling extra fancy I might brush my teeth.

  10. No. I’m a man and European.

    I only wear make-up if I’m creeping around in forests trying to kill people.

    Other cultures may vary, but it’s a hard ‘no’ here.

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