I’m a returnee college student who stopped in 2020 amidst of Pandemic because I struggled studying online. Due to that, I only have a few subjects left when I returned 2 years later.

I’m gonna be honest, I’m a socially awkward person, I grew up a very energetic kid, but as I grew older, many people became frank of how annoying I was so since then I kinda closed myself to socializing with people, I am the kind of person you see which is in the corners of proms doing nothing either staring, sleeping, or looking at my phone.

Now for the issue of my current classmates, I have tried talking to them but it just doesn’t come out right when I saw something, I get angry at some od their remarks and it turns to a very awkward situation, I also reply in sarcastic ways because I don’t know how to talk to them properly.

Like for example, we had an activity and it was due to be passed by 10 am. The activity was so long, so I just managed to pass on the exact time but I didn’t get to finish it. Then there is this guy asking our teacher to extend submission to 10:30. I’m was very titlted when I didn’t get to finish the activity so I replied, “bro, that sounds unfair to those of us who didn’t finish the activity but passed on the exact time” but then it turned into like I’m in the wrong? Everyone laugh reacted to my statement. The guy just casually said, “oh, its just that I forgot to convert it to pdf”, then even added a “hot react”. You can literally immediately save your work as pdf the instant you finish your Word document, how hard can that be? It literally takes less than a minute…

Then there is my classmate who Private messaged me.

He said “dude why are you being acting so shit? Why don’t you just get along?” So I answered, “because its unfair? How would I know that he didn’t add anything extra when he asked for a 30 minutes extended submission?”

Then he said “This is why nobody wants to get along with you”

Which is actually true, this guy who PM’d me is actually the only one of the many who I talk to commonly but now I am also starting think of not talking to him.

What is my problem? Why do I always react like this? How can I fix this shitty attitude of mine? Is it my lack of sleep? Too much online shenanigans? I need some advise… So badly

Its really backfiring with how awkward I am, I can’t ask any of my classmates for questions from the topics I am having issues with due to this. Everyone is asking everyone each other about their issues, they talk everyone except for me.

Everyone is getting along except for me. I feel like shit. I’m actually about to Despair and have anxiety thinking about this especially when it continues in the near future. My father always tells me to increase my connections because this will help a lot in the future.

1 comment
  1. Can you give some more examples? Its kind of hard to guess based on just the one. Because in the specific example you gave, it seemed like you were blaming them for asking for an extension when you didn’t think to ask yourself. Learning to ask for extensions is part of the college experience so its natural that not everyone thinks to do this, but nobody likes to be rebuked for what seems like envy.

    Are the only things you voice to your classmates complaints? Because nobody wants to spend a lot of time with people who complain.

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