I met a girl during my chemistry class on the first year of my degree. She was a my lab mate for Chemistry experiments. We didn’t talk much nor laughed apart from the one time where she and me laughed like crazy for my dumbass joke. After those three months, we were no more lab mates. I started to notice that she stares at me quite a lot. Like she really mean it. Her stare was like a sharp knife cutting through the crowd, just focusing on me. Damn that was upsetting. Even my friends told me that she’s staring at me a lot. She even smiles from far away sometimes. It was cute. I didn’t really care about it at first, because I didn’t have any feelings for her yet. So I just ignored her totally whenever she was near me.

She was even staring at me while sitting right in front of me. It was really uncomfortable to be there while ignoring her, to the point I started to hate her and ignore her more cuz I really have no idea wtf does she wants. So I kept ignoring her until one day she kinda loudly told her friend sitting beside her ” he’s not looking at me, he’s not looking at me!” in an angry tone. One day, she purposefully walked pass me while covering her eyes with her hands, as if letting me know that she doesn’t wanna look at me lol. I told my friends about this and they told she probably likes me and that I should start talking to her. So I just thought, ” why shouldn’t I try talking to her first?, just to know about her more and proceed if we both click”. Then I started to talk to her whenever I saw her near me. Sometimes a hello, sometimes a light conversation about the tests and sometimes about her holiday. As I kept talking, I realized she just waits for me outside after the classes quite a number of times, just so that I could talk to her.

But things were not as exciting as I thought it would be. I realised it’s getting dull day by day when I approach her to talk. It was very boring. It was like 3 months. And I realized that she was the most boring person I’ve ever talked to. Even the girls that I’m friends with are really interesting to talk to. So I realized maybe she’s not my cup of tea. Just to inform you, I was the one who always initiated conversation be it on texts or face to face. She was not even talking much, which really didn’t help me to see her personality. Probably that is her personality. It’s not wrong, but definitely didn’t get me interested. Now that I don’t really have any interest on her, I stopped initiating conversations with her. I stopped approaching her even when she was standing outside the class. She looked furious everytime I walked pass her without talking. She was staring again, but this time, they were all stares of anger. I just ignored her completely, cuz she never really asked me about it, or talked to me since I stopped approaching. So I thought I don’t owe her an explanation, mainly because I never told her that I liked her. We were talking about very common stuffs during our conversations. Now her whole friends group are staring at me in somewhat disgusted way. Probably she told them something stupid about me, I don’t know. Even the girls that used to be friendly with me are starting to talk less to me. It was weird.

She immediately started to get close with whoever I’m friends with. My classmates, roommates, female friends and etc. All of a sudden, she is very close with all of my friends lol. It was fishy but I had no idea why was she doing that. I just wanna know, did I do anything wrong? Or is she going nuts? Thank you.

1 comment
  1. If it was a sudden change in not acknowledging her then I can see why she’s upset, but it up to them to realize why they (you) stopped. If she or one of her friends ask, just say that you’re not interested. Nothing wrong with not liking someone who is dry. She appears to be kinda obsessive over you though, even though she doesn’t actively add to conversations or initiate. Dodged a bullet, she the one who is nuts. Sorry to hear about female friends though.

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