What is something men do nowadays that used to be considered effeminate years ago?

  1. I’ve pressed charges again a woman who raped me. That used to be more uncommon among men

  2. Anyone remember when you got called metrosexual if you did literally any kind of personal grooming?

  3. Cook (though I can’t for the life of me figure out why, its all fire and knives and dead things)

  4. Asking for help.

    Acknowledging mental health problems.

    Knowing your limits and being realistic with what you accomplish. Whether it be physical fitness, career, social life, relationships, having kids…

    Setting aside leisure time to maintain good mental health.

    Knowing when to cut your children some slack and back off/approach disciplinary action differently while still trying to guide them to become good people. Having the capacity to understand their situation and trust them even if you don’t agree with them, and trust that what they’re doing is justified. This is something my dad wasn’t very good at, especially when I was a teenager and trying to cope with the stresses of school. I have a deep-seated resentment of him now. Don’t make the same mistake.

  5. Most of the stuff I’m seeing in here is still considered effeminate today. The stigma may have decreased but it hasn’t gone away.

  6. Earring on the right ear. Left side only for the Dudes who had an ear pierced. Right side meant—

  7. Using shampoo & conditioner. My grandfather washed his hair with a bar of soap until the day he died, he said that’s how men wash their hair and would joke with my dad calling him gay for using shampoo & conditioner.

  8. Being able to unashamedly show any kind of outward affection towards another male and it not be “questionable” in some way.

    I can remember when I was maybe 7 or 8 years old (in the early 90’s) my mother told me it was time to stop hugging my dad or giving him a peck on the cheek because at my age it was “no longer right”. Took his own life ten years ago and never once while he was alive did he tell me he loved me because he simply felt too awkward to express it. I know he did but I wish I’d kept hugging him up until the end.

    I hug my own two sons and tell them I love them every day and I won’t ever stop doing that.

    Edit: thought I’d add that I grew up on a farm in rural Australia where the whole forced macho thing was probably slightly more emphasised than some other places in that same time period.

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