I’m 21 M and I have one more semester left till I complete my degree. I got a decent job through campus placements and have a good set of friends but I feel extremely alone. I have never been to a college trip coz it keeps getting cancelled and I feel I’m going to miss a big part of being in college before hitting the corporate world. On top of that I don’t have any girl friend to go on exciting dates with. It’s getting hard to hide the pain now especially when my parents video call me. I really wanna go for a trip and I’m tired of grinding and studying. I have missed so much of my school life too, when my parents were broke, since I couldn’t afford to go out much with my school friends. I thought all that would change in college but my life still seems like a still boat waiting for the breeze to set sail. I know there are bigger problems in the world but I just feel very alone and I hate missing out on these things as I grow older. I wish I could turn back time and did few things differently. Am I really missing out ?
Thanks for reading and I really don’t have anyone to tell or ask for advice or suggestions, so I’m really grateful for any insight

  1. * Get contact information from your friends
    * Make an effort to stay in touch with your friends post-college.
    * Do not be disappointed if people drift away, that is normal, but trying to stay in touch even if it is to wish them a happy birthday once a year will be rewarding.
    * Take a gap year and travel
    * At your age, employers will not give you shit about taking a year off after school to travel.
    * If you can’t afford to travel, work and save for a year first.
    * You have the rest of your life to make friends, build a social life, and date.

    Going off the beaten path at your age will *seem* scary but you have nothing to fear. Don’t let the fear stop you.

    Watch out for making excuses to yourself. You are making this post because you made excuses about why you couldn’t have a social life for the past 3 years. The rest of your life will pass you by if you stay with that habit.

    There are many people who would give up a kidney to be your age again. You are there now.

    Forget about the past, focus on building a life in the present and future.

  2. I think most people are in the same boat with you. You’re not alone and you didn’t do anything wrong. You grew up in a broke…( no money ) family. I’ve been there. I didn’t even go to college. I started working right out of high school and been doing the same job now for 35 years.

  3. You’re still young as hell you’re good, as far as the trip take a graduation trip, especially having a degree no job is going to care that you took a couple months off to travel around Europe or something with your friends

    >On top of that I don’t have any girl friend to go on exciting dates with

    You’ll have plenty of time for that don’t worry

    >I really wanna go for a trip and I’m tired of grinding and studying

    Well like you said it’s only one semester left unless you’re going for your masters, you’re at the home stretch you’ve got this

    And if you can’t afford to take a trip after graduation, get to work and save up so that you can, and be sure to stay in touch with your good friends, people are going to drift apart after school it happens but with social media and everything a nice check-in message every month or a happy birthday, something like that goes a long way

  4. You may be missing out, but you certainly did not fuck up your college life.

    Keep moving ahead and doing the next right thing. Whatever you do, do not compare your situation to those of others. Everyone has different circumstances.

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