Would love to hear about how you met and your first date stories 🙂

  1. Tinder -> Good text conversations -> excellent first date -> more fun dates -> good sex -> continued good dates, communication, physical relationship -> moved in together -> good cohabitation -> proposal

  2. Nothing to crazy. We were on the same team in an adult kickball league and I just talked to her at the bar after the games.

  3. Work. Met her at the time clock since it looked like she was having trouble with it. Noticed her eyes and unique eye shadow/make-up, and was just struck by how beautiful she looked. Didn’t do anything at the time, but my heart was aflutter. She had a boyfriend at the time, so I left it at that.

    Over the course of the next two years, however, she and I grew closer, while simultaneously her relationship was eroding (I had nothing to do with that; he was just overbearing and distant after a while). After he dumped her out of the blue (no side chick or surprises, just called it quits without elaborating), we grew even closer and I admitted to myself that I saw her as more than just a friend, but didn’t want to cross a line that could’ve ruined anything. I kept it at arms length until one fateful night we admitted our feelings to one another and we’ve been going on ever since.

    We’ve been together for more than 12 years now, and married for more than 5. We’ve since had a kid who just turned 2.

  4. Her locker was next to mine when I moved and started a new high school. That was almost 30 years ago.

  5. Dinner at a friend’s house. Our mutual friend had been trying to set us up for months.

    We crossed 26 years this fall.

  6. We met online. Chatted for a couple months then exchanged phone numbers. We talked on the phone a couple times and decided to meet.

    We went out for coffee on our first date. We spent a couple hours there talking and she mentioned a book store nearby that she liked. I’m a reader too so I went with her. We spent another couple hours in that store. After, she said she was hungry and knew of a good burger place so we went and got dinner.

    We spent the entire day together and I loved it. I scheduled a second date for the next weekend, and we’ve been together since. That was 5 years ago.

  7. I first met her in HS. We were friendly but were in different social circles. She was he straight A good girl. I was the flunky “bad kid” or I had that reputation because of who I hung out with. Anyway. Many years later I was going through a divorce with the first wife and cruising Myspace like people did back then and she looked me up for a HS reunion. We chatted a bit, catching up. That turned into chatting a lot. She lived in a different state BTW. Anyway, I told her that it wasn’t likely that I would attend the reunion activities because I would have my kids that weekend but would like to take her to lunch when she got into town. I did. We had a good time. She came over one evening and watched a movie with me and the kids. Then over time I would go to her place to get away from the ex (she was doing her best to make me miserable but that’s another story). Anyway, we did the long distance thing for a while and as fate would have it they closed the office where she was working. She was either going to have to move much further away to go back to the home office or find something else. I offered for her to just come back home. She did. A few months later we were engaged and the rest is blissful history.

  8. At work. I talked to her like a normal person, not another guy trying to get a date+. We liked each other and couldn’t be without one another. It was so easy.

  9. We met at a party in a bar. A longtime friend of mine was in town briefly and threw the do to get the chance to see everyone. My future wife was there with her friend and I still remember the first time we locked eyes across the bar.

  10. Grad school. She eventually had to ask me if I even liked women because she was putting out a lot of signals that she was into me and I wasn’t biting. She was so damn hot I just assumed she was just being friendly

  11. I used to sell her ❄️ but I noticed she has getting too hooked so tried to help her instead, been together 3 years now

  12. Met her on a high school UIL trip on 5 Mar 1983. Started dating the next weekend. We were married August 1984. Two grown children & one grandson now. She’s sitting beside me watching NCIS Hawaii in her pajamas. We were 18 & 16 then, 57 & 56 now.

  13. Got fixed up.

    Friend of a coworker said she had eight single female colleagues. She forgot the ninth one at first.

  14. University. She missed a class and asked me for notes. We became friends as she was dating another guy. They eventually broke up and we started dating a few months after that.

  15. In high school, we sat next to each other in history class because we had a mutual friend in the class. Started talking, I asked her out and the rest is history (pun intended). This was 15 years ago. Married with two beautiful children. This woman made me into the man I am today. Without her, I’d be in prison or dead. She showed me a side of life I never knew existed. She gave me a shoulder to lean on and allowed me to be weak when I needed to be. I’m still far from perfect, but she sticks with me. I love her more than anything, no matter what.

  16. She stepped out of the elevator at an anime convention dressed as an Anbu Black Ops ninja with the mask and everything. I gawked, unashamedly noting that she was the most divine thing I’d ever seen in 16 years of life.
    Then she took the mask off and I have never been so blown away before or since. We hung out a good bit that day and stayed vaguely in touch. She took my picture.

    We both silently pined for each other at a distance for the next 10ish years before dating and eventually getting married!

    She is still the hot ninja girl of my dreams. And recently I discovered she kept those pictures *all those years*.

  17. Work. She had this great curly dark hair and the bluest eyes. I asked her out and she said no, I was too young. I asked again after a couple weeks and she said yes. Our first date was a Springsteen concert. Been married for 35 years.

  18. lots of wife and relationship questions recently.

    I met my ex wife studying outside of our bio lab class in college.

    We had a quiz that day, she did not study and was trying to cram it in before she walked in, i just looked at her and smiled/laughed

    my buddy noticed that I liked her, and he said he was going to ask her out for me if i didnt go talk to her.

    I told him i didnt want to talk to her because i needed to focus on school.

    This asshole went full 4th grade and asked her if i was dating someone be cause his friend (me) wanted to talk to her.

    She was dating someone but lied and said she wasnt.

    we started talking. she started showing up to my 4am study sessions.

    She was persistent. My blood went to the head below the belt. and you know how things go when your young n dumb.


    EDIT: As much as i hate co parenting, seeing her with another man, arguing with her, seeing our daughters look exactly like her.

    I wouldnt change a thing. I still remember how silly she looked, long curly hair, reading her book then closing her eyes trying to study right before a big quiz. lol Ill never forget that day.

    We had to get pond water and search for amoebas and other bacteria that day too and she was struggling with her long hair. it was hilarious.

    Fuck you rick! you coulda saved me from all this pain if you just left things alone. god dammit. lol

  19. Eharmony. First date turned out to be on her birthday and was the first date she’d been on in years since her divorce. Also turned out that I had been the only one to reach out to her and communicate on eharmony. Must have been meant to be! Happily married for 6 years now!

  20. Kindergarten, she was a student, I was the substitute teacher for the day……….

    Kidding, we met at work

  21. I had introduced a best friend from h.s. to a best friend from college and they wound up dating for the past 30 years. They decided to return the favor when I moved back to NYC, introduced me to a woman that they thought I’d like. It had to be at a party as this woman was opposed to blind dates. So it took almost 10 weeks before I finally went to a party where this woman would be.

    I thought I saw the woman I was to meet when I first came in and I was super stoked, she was amazing looking, great energy, big smile. But I had to find my friend and get the formal introduction. Found my friend, was chatting with her when a woman comes up and joins us. Now this woman happens to have the same name as the one I’m supposed to be set up with, but is not the woman I spotted earlier. Finally, this woman leaves and I tell my friend to, “tell me that was not the real X” and she says, ‘oh my god, did not realize the same name thing, let me find you the real X’ and she did and it was the woman I saw, and we’ve been together ever since.

  22. Bumble. We talked for a couple days on there, exchanged numbers, met a couple days later at the dog park after work, and BOOM! A house and two kids later I guess you could say it’s getting pretty serious.

  23. I saw her in the cafeteria in university. She was very quiet, and I was a somewhat loud personality, so I drew attention but she was a bit of a wallflower. The thing is, I’m kind of a wallflower deep down myself, and the loud personality is a compensating mechanism. I saw her there, sitting quietly and being overlooked, and she looked at me with those big doe-eyes of hers and then shyly looked away. I was hooked.

  24. We were at an AA convention.

    about 9 months after I moved back to Colorado, I flew out to California to meet some close friends at a young people AA convention. I’ve always been a handy person, and my friends know this. One of them called me up and said “Hey Qball, I have a friend coming to the convention who wears a prosthetic leg and it’s broken. Can you fix it? I wanna surprise her.”

    So I say that I know nothing about them and despite the fact that all my tools are 1000 miles away in Denver, I’d be willing to try something. She says cool, we’ll be there a bit later, and we hang up.

    That evening, Friend calls me up and says something like “ok we’re here. She’s showering after the drive but her leg is out in the hotel room. Come take a look quickly!” Off I go.

    So there’s this prosthetic leg. Pretty high tech, it’s got a bending knee and everything. I’ve never seen a hinge this complex in my life. That’s not the broken part though; It has a computer chip in a cavity located about mid-calf. It’s flapping around, and I discover there’s an aluminum support beam that snapped and it was causing this circuit board to flop around and make a bunch of noise. I manage to silence it using a few bandaids and some tissue.

    It was about that time my future wife quite literally hopped out of the shower and into my life. We were inseparable from the beginning. I knew before that weekend was over that she was going to be the woman I’d marry. That was St. Paddy’s 2012. We wed in 2017.

    I’ve fixed her leg (and occasionally made it worse) several times since.

  25. Grocery shopping, I just needed a few things, had planned to use the express aisle, ended using the wedding aisle it turns out.

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