So for some reason my dick doesn’t want to work when i actually need it. I get erections all the time when I’m alone or jerking off, sometimes they get painfully large. But the first time me and my girlfriend fooled around i couldn’t get hard and it probably looked like i had a small penis to her. She felt like she wasn’t doing good enough and i had to assure her it wasn’t her and i had no clue why i wasn’t getting hard. We made out a little more and i rubbed my tip which helped it get harder but it still wasn’t at full capability.

I didn’t cum (which i was fine with because i care more about her pleasure then mine) when we finished, but my balls were in agony. I had no clue why because she didn’t lay a finger on them and she didn’t even get on top of me.

I am humiliated to say the least and i am scared this will be a common thing every time we do stuff. After the first time i stopped masterbating because i theorized that i lost my sensitivity from excessive masterbation. That only caused me to because sexually frustrated and i was constantly hard for the past couple days, but today when we messed around again i only got a little hard and still didn’t cum.

I sit here typing this, my balls still hurting, asking why? Why is this happening? Is it “death grip?” Am i just unable to be pleasured by another person? I know she wants me to feel good and it breaks my heart that my worthless dick doesn’t want to work around her, but will any other time of the day. If you happen to know why this is happening to me, i would greatly appreciate an explanation.

Thank you

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