It’s like being negative feels good to me but hurts others and I swear it would make them feel good (the vibe) if they would just be able to feel it like I do. Also when I’m positive it just feels like death to me but makes others feel good. It’s like apparently it makes me feel good too but I just can’t feel it but my body likes it or something buuutt when other people do it to me it feels good so that’s a plus. I feel like though the positive vibe is the dark one and negative the light but apparently that’s not the case in real life. How can I make my positive feel good to me so I can feeed myself and others positivity? Also when I go into positive with other people everything just gets dark and I feel like I can’t see any other positivity but when I’m negative I can feel everyone’s positivity ten fold and it’s all shiny.

1 comment
  1. When you say negative, do you mean: angry bitterness, mockery, dishonest gossi-spreading, morose and cynical complaining, or pulling snappy “gotcha!” moments that make you feel clever? Each of these will bring up distinct tips.

    I find certain playlists of music can help with intense feelings. It is like having someone agree with the half-formed words in your heart. Nnnnpt exactly practical during school or work, but it it could help bleed some energy if you’re cycling back to one particular emotion throughout a day.

    As for parroting others’ positivity being soul-crushing… you need to think of an archetype that feels appropriate for these situations. For example, in decades past shows and books would describe parents (fathers) who live through hard times as never cracking a smile. Never laughing. Never saying “I love you.” But, they would still put in hours of work to make their kids safer and happier via developing their property or fixing things. Or adopting a pet.

    You need an archetype or persona that lets you seem normal in public for these scenarios without having to parrot the positive vibes like those around you do. Easy ways to prove you support someone, even if you aren’t squealing with excitement on their behalf? Always check their fly before they go out in public. Message them or talk to them out of public eye if they go through some heavy, draining change or if they have to make a big speech. You don’t have to say happy things, you just have to lend an ear and point them in the right direction. Maybe share some sodas and relax on lawn chairs.

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