Hello Guys!! So I recently started a started dating this girl, and it gets me
really confused because everytime were texting she is really dry with me
on the conversations and usually she takes about 10hrs or even a whole
day to text me back, or inclusivly she would just view the message and
not respond whatsoever, and i am not dumb i know this are prove of a
person who might not have any interest on me but the thing is that i have
gone in several dates with her and i know she must feel something for me
because we hade a amazing time toghter talking and laughing, We
actually hold hands and hugged during a scary movie. So conclusivly i
don’t know what to interprete or understand my current situation with her.
what do you guys think about it ?

  1. You could be overthinking. Some people are bad at texting. It’s also not easy to make your written voice match your speaking voice. Making texts sound natural and engaging takes some skill with the written word. Now if she’s a professional copywriter, sure, read into her texts. Otherwise, try to relax a bit. You’re having fun in person and that’s what matters.

  2. I with you there šŸ’Æ percent. Trying not to lose my head b/c the girl I’m talking to is not only older but has her shit together. Just gotta remember she also has things she wants to do. Also I can’t keep expecting her to always return msgs right away.

  3. Texting shouldnā€™t define how well a relationship is goingā€¦ ever. What do you want more: amazing dates with physical chemistry and making awesome memories, or connecting well over a screen?

  4. Well this guy ive been dating suddenly went silent on me for a week and didnt reply my text for 24 hours, so i asked if he’s ghosting me and he finally got back saying he was just busy having friends over for a few days, theyve been partying so hes exhausted and recovering, but hes not ghosting me. I was in ur shoes thinking hes not interested, but well, its true ppl have their lives and are lazy/exhausted to text sometimes.

  5. She’s likely busy responding to the other guys. You just have to be patient and wait your turn.

  6. Is she like that in person? I often take quite a while to respond to texts,and i am just a bad texter,so it could be that!

  7. I’d rather dry texts and fun dates over sexy texts and a cold fish irl. If she’s still saying yes to dates, don’t over think it.

  8. I went through an exact same situation. I just played it cool for a couple of months and even continued to go on other dates. I guess the when the girl finished vetting her other options she gradually began responding and we eventually started dating.

    Nothing really you can do but just play it cool and be there whenever she looks to you.

  9. I mostly respond to everything at the end of the day because itā€™s the only time I have available to carry on some form of communication.

  10. Idk. I take that as they are not very interested or they would find the time. Iā€™m not interested in that kind of person.

  11. People are on their phones all the time, even if theyā€™re busy. Sheā€™s probably not interested in you enough to be excited to chat with you. I know if I was into someone, Iā€™d be replying within minutes and then let him know Iā€™m busy and heā€™s not forgotten.

  12. Every person is different. I’ve dated women who needed to be double texted and super keen and some who were super responsive but completely unsure of how they felt.

    It’s better for you to decide for yourself what amount of communication you want to have, and the quality, and then just filter in or out women who are capable of meeting you at that level. If your bar is something like “I don’t want to miss out at all if she’s interested, no matter how bad she is at texting!” then don’t waste time trying to gauge her interest, just keep dating her and setting things up and let her speak her to her disinterest if or when it turns up.

  13. Depends on your level of tolerance toward people who are not good at texting. I had decided to no longer associates with bad texters in general.

    I have co-workers, friends and dated people who were not good at replying. Just mean I was never their priority and I decided that they are not mine either.

  14. Are you the one asking her out on dates? Has she taken any initiative? Tbh, it doesnā€™t seem like sheā€™s that interested in you. If I was interested in a guy, I would always initiate conversations and respond back as soon as I can. Unless sheā€™s just not that good of a texter but even a simple phone call wonā€™t make that an excuse.

  15. Maybe she’s not good in texting. Just ask her what she prefer? Call or text? Also, what’s her available time. Just be consistent if you want to pursue her,plus be clear to your intentions. Don’t overthink. Goodluck šŸ˜Š

  16. Iā€™ve liked guys in the past and taken longer than 10 hours to reply or more, but usually within a day I got back. I think when it comes to online dating, thereā€™s really no middle ground on what is considered an acceptable response time. We live in a very instant satisfaction society and itā€™s no wonder why some people think theyā€™re being ghosted if they donā€™t hear from someone in a few hours. So, response times donā€™t always equate to interest because you never know what someone has going on in their life. Iā€™d say if she takes longer to reply, then you can bring it up to her.

  17. Honestly I would think maybe she’s working but if she doesn’t reply back means she’s lost interest just move on waste of time anyway it’ll happen all the time and no one will want to be interested in you you’ll get cheated on but just put your focus in friends,family and hobbies because at end of the day relationships are dead

  18. Uh sorry to break it to you OP, but it just sounds like a whole lot of inconsistency. She may just like the attention youā€™re giving her.

    Just have a straight up conversation with her about things and ask her where her heads at. Saved you a lot of time!

  19. I had this recently with a guy who I went on some great dates with. we were both super into the both dates, really engaging with each other and feeling it. but inbetween dates he would hardly text or take almost about a day to reply, which really cooled my enthusiasm because I thought he wasn’t really interested. but then again the dates were great and if he replied to texts, it was engaging.

    it turned out he had a great time with me, but wasn’t ready to date yet again and wasn’t sure how to tell me. maybe you could ask your date if that is maybe the case?

  20. Even bad texters will prioritize texting when they are really interested. As someone who has been in your shoes it’s easy to make excuses for the other person rather than feeling rejected, which sucks. But if you’re dating someone you deserve to be one of their priorities, not an afterthought. Even the busiest, career- driven individuals have time for a quick check in text here and there.

  21. Not necessarily. If you’ve been on several dates already and planning to see her again then she might just be busy, or hardly on her phone (which can be rare nowadays). However, you might also want to consider, if you have not had a chat about whether you guys are only seeing each other, she might be seeing other people too.

    I’d suggest maybe having a chat with her to better understand where you two are at, and if you’re on the same page.

  22. Bad texter here. I sometimes read messages without answering because they overwhelm me and make anxious. Or I donā€™t open them at all. If I care about the person I will try to answer them later on tho, especially when Iā€™m interested in someone.
    I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s a dead giveaway that she isnā€™t interested. Maybe sheā€™s just busy or canā€™t handle texting that well. If you are really worried maybe ask her what she thinks about texting or even straight up ask if sheā€™s still interested.

  23. Usually yes but i also feel like it depends on the person, but im a girl and respond right away with guys. But my best friend is literally the worst texter ever and takes days to text me back lol. If shes active and posting on other platforms but clearly not responding to you then shes not into u. Has she LwYs been like this or is this new?

  24. Talk to multiple people at the same time if youā€™re not exclusive. That way you donā€™t loose your shit when one of them doesnā€™t respond.
    I had the same experience when I was talking to people who were 4-5 years older than me.

  25. If you’re looking for an enthusiastic long-term partner, you should expect them to **be enthusiastic.** You can’t force someone to be enthusiastic about you, you can only find someone else who is. I’d say there’s nothing to interpret. Be enthusiastic and if it doesn’t work, move on.

    When I met my partner, within the first day they made efforts to text me, they responded immediately to my messages and *wanted* me to respond to theirs but without any pressure to do so. That set the groundwork for a relationship built on open communication, genuine enthusiasm and no pressure.

  26. I think a girl is interested in you that much, sheā€™ll message you, unless sheā€™s told you otherwise. I would not over think it.

  27. Coming from experience Iā€™d say sheā€™s probably losing interest

    My ex and I would take everyday for hours only and replies would take no longer than 10 mins, weā€™d also tell each other weā€™d be busy and text back in ā€œx amount of timeā€. After months the initial attraction kind of wears off and the relationship isnā€™t as exciting anymore. The response starts to take longer and the conversations become shorter. You can bring up to her why this is but sheā€™ll probably say something along the lines of just being really busy recently.

    A text doesnā€™t take long to respond to and people make time for someone theyā€™re genuinely interested in

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