what are your experiences about having breast lumps at a young age? (if you ever did)

  1. I just went through this. Literally got my results the Friday just gone. I’m 27 and it turned out to be cysts – they’re totally normal around this age! They form due to change in hormones (my birth control implant just ran out, making it a bit more extreme). It’s well worth looking them up but if you do have lumps, always get them checked out. Better to be safe then sorry!

  2. My doctor found one last year since im brca positive it was a big deal. Had to get a biopsy done to check it out. Turned out to be something else(can’t remember the medical terminology will update when i can) but now im in for routine mammograms and ultrasounds.

  3. I had a lump on my breast when I was in my early 30s but it turned out to just be a cyst. Really I shouldn’t have been surprised, for some reason I’m super vulnerable to cysts, but it was still a relief that it wasn’t anything major. Always worth it to get it checked out though, it’s never a good feeling when you do your breast exam and find something.

  4. i’ve had cysts (fibromas?) for a while now and it’s uncomfortable sometimes, but it didn’t use to be a big deal for me. a few months ago my mom had one of her breasts removed cause she had a cancerous tumor, fortunately it was very very tiny and they caught it on the first stage. So she’s doing alright, but it makes the cysts thing harder for me cause I’m really scared about breast cancer now. her doctors told her it’s probably not genetic in her case since nobody else in her family has had cancer, but still i have to be careful.

  5. I actually watched a Ted Talk yesterday called Never Too Young by Trina Cleary. It is better to get it checked by a doctor asap.

  6. Had my breasts checked a few times and have been cysts. Always worth a check as my friend passed away from breast cancer at 31.

  7. I had one a year ago at 34 and it was nothing, just a cyst. It was very scary though!

  8. I’ve always had lumpy breasts, as did my mother. Consequently, I always get a 3D mammogram. Nothing to worry about if you’ve had the lumps checked.

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