I met her during the spring semester. After I met her we exchanged numbers and started meeting up every week to hangout for a few hours. We got along really well and this continued into the summer. Once summer began we planned to take a math class together since we are both math majors. To take the class with her I had to take a class over the summer to catch up. And in the fall I had to take a second math class to take more with her in the future.

Around the start of summer we had plans to meet. After 30 minutes of waiting outside a store in the sun she finally called me saying she forgot we were meeting. And she didn’t really say much else. We planned to hangout for a few hours, and when we were done I’d head to class. Since I live far away I was stuck in town for 3 hours waiting till my class started. I almost ended the friendship, I told her I didn’t want to take a class anymore. But she ended up apologizing a lot and said I was her closest friend. I’m telling you guy’s this to show her actions later on made me feel. When she did this it felt like she didn’t care or she didn’t want to hangout but did that instead of telling me.

Throughout the summer we kept hanging out. But usually she shows up late. I’ve probably spent a total of a few hours waiting on her. I think she’s only been on time a couple of times. I was again having second thoughts about taking a class with her. But at the end of summer she asked me to take a second class with her to make it less boring. And she seemed really excited about taking a class with me. So I took both of them with her. But then once school started she began acting differently. She seemed more awkward and was being distant. As school progressed it felt like she was avoiding me.

the first 2 weeks I tried asking her to hangout to study. But she told me she was busy. I stopped asking since I figured she’d let me know when she was free. I would also walk with her after class but I quickly stopped doing this since she was being very quite and talking to me very little. This also bothered me a lot. She gets to class 30 minutes early and had 45 minutes of free time afterwards. But she’d never ask to hangout during that time.

We had our first test coming up and the semester was halfway over. So I tried asking to her study again. She didn’t respond till the following day until class began. And in class she seemed very awkward talking about but we scheduled a day. To me it seemed like she didn’t really want too. And at this point it’s kinda felt like I’ve already lost her as a friend. So after class I sent her a message saying I think we should stop talking. She asked why but I told her I didn’t want to talk about it and she said nothing else.

I’d like to hear someone else’s thoughts on the situation and maybe get advice if you had any.

TLDR: My friend has been acting very distant and it’s felt like she’s been avoiding me. So I decided to end our friendship.

  1. In the future, don’t go to the extreme to manipulate your class schedule as a means of forcibly interacting with people. It’s not only lame but almost certainly going to come across as creepy, and may have been what started putting your “friend” off. Ask them out on a date if you’re interested, keep the relationship personal and don’t conflate it with school or professional requirements.

  2. She’s just not into you.

    You come off rather strong, like you’re more interested in a relationship instead and it’s making her uncomfortable so she’s avoiding you.

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