Curious as to what you people would choose in this case

  1. I’d rather be indefinitely single. Work on myself physically gym, etc. so as to attract the person I am physically attracted to.

  2. Single and a virgin(if possible). No point of dating someone you’re not attracted to as things would not be reciprocated and it’d be unfair for everyone.

  3. Been indefinitley single for this reason. I find some women atractive enough to sleep with, but but to the point where I can see myself attracted to them long term both physically or mentally. I may need therapy hahah

  4. People define attraction differently, but I would be hella offended if someone felt like they were ‘making due’ with me. I would definitely rather be single.

  5. I rather be single, forever.

    It’s not fair to the other person. And I don’t want to even date anyone unless that person is what I believe to be “the one” for me.

    I “date to marry”, aka he has to check all the boxes.

  6. Single, but the thing is is that long lasting attraction for me comes from shared experiences. So with conversations and history the less attractive person becomes the hottest person in the room, the person my eyes will gravitate toward first. I also expect this from my partner. This is why even though there are plenty of hottter, smarter, funner girls out there, I’d never be insecure because they’re not me. Just like even if i had to choose between idk adam driver and my ex, i would have chosen my ex. Anyone that I don’t feel this way towards, I would never commit to a relationship with because I wouldn’t want the same done to me.

  7. There has to be at least some physical attraction. If it was never there it will stay that way. If there is some there. Maybe their face or booty or something. It can grow.

  8. Personality can go a long way. I liked an super overweight guy because he’s the funniest most talent person I’ve ever met. I would date him at any size simply because I enjoy him as a person. We hooked up once, but it never went anywhere unfortunately… I’m not sure if it was his insecurities or mine that ruined that one. Anyway, we’re not all porn stars, if you love someone, it doesn’t matter what they look like, that love you have for them makes them beautiful to you. Also, it doesn’t matter what other people think! People put some much value on the opinions of others and ultimately the opinion of a bunch of assholes doesn’t matter. Anyway, to answer your question- No I wouldn’t be with someone I’m not attracted to. I’d much rather be single than spend time with someone I don’t care for.

  9. Neither. I’d exercise, lift heavy, work on my charisma and confidence, get out and meet people until it happens. If I’m judging to not give people a chance based on how attractive they are, my own body has to be great.

  10. I’m just trying to find a good average girl. When I get off the road, I will. Being over weight is a complete deal breaker. I can safely say I would rather be single asf in that case. But if she has a nice body but average face, I’m good. Or vice versa.

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