If I ask a girl for her number and she gives it to me, what should I do afterwards in the moment. What should I say?

  1. It wouldn’t hurt to talk to her for a bit afterwards especially if you’ve talked before but there’s nothing wrong with a quick “cool, I’ll text you later” and dipping (always be sure to at the very least talk enough to get her name before walking away)

  2. Simple rule to follow.

    The phone number is useless without the date acceptance.

    That’s the reason why I never ask for a phone number, I just ask them out on a date. Straight up and to the point. If she says yes, then I need the number for logistics. If she says no, I don’t need her number.

    Your chance to convince the girl to date you is when you are together face to face. Not over the phone. IMO “phone game” is greatly exaggerated.

  3. I asked a girl for her number and socials but I had no clue what to say so I just left it like that and its been over a month now so thats that.

  4. Text her dude tf kind of question is this lmao. If her text are dry asf and takes way too long to respond then you got your answer if she’s interested or not. I personally don’t ask for numbers. If I’m interested in woman I’ll give her my number that way she has the option to contact me. If she messages me i know shes interested, if she doesn’t then on to the next. Also, I feel it’s way more comfortable for them sine you’re not pressuring them into giving you their phone number. Not saying you gotta do this but just food for thought.

  5. It depends how long you are with her afterwards, i would try to leave asap say you will text her, then the next day text her and ask her out.

  6. Say “thanks, I’ll text/call you later”

    Then later that day “Hey, thanks for giving me your number. What’s your schedule looking like this week” or “what are you doing on x or y day?”

    If she’s busy don’t be pushy and reschedule it once.
    If she’s always busy she’s not interested

  7. Call her and say so you have my number

    And to see that she didn’t give you the number to pizza hut

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