I find it something to be much easier said than done. And not to mention, the people saying this usually have good social support systems. It is not easy for somebody who has gotten constantly bullied or shunned by society just simply “be confident.” How does one expect a person to be confident when society is already shit towards towards them at such a young age? It is like rich people telling people to “just work harder” to those living in poverty. Like bro, you are already rich, you have no idea how hard it is to make money or advance in your career. I get the people have good intentions by telling me this but it is just damn hard to actually achieve this. If people could just become confident overnight, then why the hell have they not done it?


I made the post about my asshole older brother who is tall and handsome a few days ago. I mentioned him having many friends in spite of him doing shitty things like sexually assaulting another boy and cheating on his girlfriends. I don’t claim to be a perfect person. I acknowledge I have my flaws. But fucking hell, I don’t do any illegal shit. Hell if a rapist has more friends than me, I don’t even want to live in this society anymore. Being an asshole is a choice. Being short/ugly is not. I did not get to choose to look ugly or to get picked on by people.


Honestly this post is kinda a rant. I am just so pissed that some people in this world have things easy for them. And it irritates me when people just think it is easy to be confident if people aren’t nice to you in the first place.

1 comment
  1. This post is a subjective irrational outlook on life. You are looking at effects instead of the causes.

    Where does confidence come from? Inner strength, self-worth and self-knowledge. If you value yourself highly enough, you will be more confident. You won’t be looking for validation from others and you will seek personal validation and discard what others think. That breeds confidence. Why is it that psycopath killers are confident as hell? Because they don’t seek external validation, they decide what they want to do and to hell what others think about them.

    Confidence by itself isn’t enough. You need to marry confidence with maturity. Where you treat others with kindness, irrespective of how they treat you. Confidence without maturity leads to assholery. And confidence isn’t everything you need in social settings.

    Being charming and witty, listening and asking questions, being jovial and amicable are key to doing well in social settings. Confidence is just one aspect, not everything you need.

    Good Luck

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