A few months ago (July) my ex (5 years) broke up with me via call due to long distance and some issues regarding trust abroad. Although I never cheated of any sort,my ex didn’t trust me because I did have a Tinder profile just to seek validation which I was missing in our relationship.

After ending my work/ internship abroad. I then returned back to where we both were located. After returning I asked if he wanted to meet because I never wanted to break up in the first place. After meeting of course my emotions were all over the place in terms of I’m still immensely in love with him, however he is set our relationship is over. What can I do to mend my heart, I feel so heartbroken however I keep trying to fill my days with healthy distractions but I just can’t get over it.

What are some tips to get over him. And I really don’t think I can date even though my friends say it’s best.

  1. If you had a Tinder to seek validation, then it’s pretty clear it was never gonna work in the first place. Meditate and start exercising to clear your head, and take some accountability for this happening.

  2. Try to put yourself in his shoes. How would you react if your long distance bf had tinder installed, even though he said it was just for validation? Would you believe him or would you think he was cheating? You could believe him but the nagging thought would always be there.

    What you did was showing him you were not mature/in it for real, because if you were, the only validation that would matter (besides your own internal one) was his. Yet he was not enough to satisfy your needs. Can you see how that must’ve been a bit painful for him?

    Try to work on your issues and let him go. I wouldn’t advise you going after other guys, at least for a stable relationship, until you are secure of yourself. You’re just causing unneeded pain and stress.

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