My bf and I (17) were getting pretty intimate a couple nights ago but we never had piv sex, or anywhere near close to penetration. I have read stuff online where it is technically possible to get pregnant without having sex and even though it’s a tiny chance it terrifies me.
He did rub his bare genitals against mine once and I’m pretty positive that there was no precum as he wiped it on my shirt prior and also peed before doing this.
The part that scares me the most is he finished on my lower stomach, next to my upper thigh. I cleaned everything up right away, but I’m scared that after I stood up to go wash up that it may have gone into my vulva region.
This happened what was supposed to be two days before my period so I know I wasn’t ovulating. This is supposed to be the day I start but I’ve been so stressed that I know it’s going to delay my period.
I want this to help anyone is terrified like me, just please help Reddit, I’m so scared

Edit: it also feels like I’m going to start my period with cramps and everything but I’m just not sure. I have such bad OCD as well and I just can’t get my mind off things

  1. I would not be concerned.

    Try not to freak out too much! The stress will just delay your period and make you freak out more.

    ETA: If this brings you so much stress, you may want to consider what you’re ready for. Maybe no bare genital to genital contact or semen too close to your vulva in the future.

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