Throwaway because this is embarrassing and private.

I’m asking this because I’ve had OCD for most of my life, I also have something like a pee/poo fetish. I feel like, if a bit of pee/poo would come into contact with my parents/sibling it feels incest like to me. As such I really have to clean myself. I’m looking for an alternative way to think about this so my therapist and I decided I should ask this online.

People that are into pee/poo without OCD and that aren’t into incest. How do you feel when interacting with your family. If you’re living or visiting family and go to the bathroom and a bit of pee/poo would accidentally be transferred between you and a family member (a drop off pee on the toilet seat that you miss and accidentally sit down on, a family member not washing hands after going to the bathroom and then giving you a hug). How do you mentally handle that without it feeling like incest.

If you have such a fetish, but also have a baby or toddler, how do you mentally handle changing diapers?

And to people without a pee/poo fetish, what about semen? Like if you still live at home, what if you masturbate/ have sex and some cum comes in your bed and what if a parent touches it either when changing your sheets or when you change them yourself and they put it in the washing machine. What are the thoughts a person without OCD has in that case.

I hope it helps me if I know how “normal” people (people without OCD) think about/handled this stuff.

  1. >People that are into pee/poo without OCD and that aren’t into incest. How do you feel when interacting with your family. If you’re living or visiting family and go to the bathroom and a bit of pee/poo would accidentally be transferred between you and a family member (a drop off pee on the toilet seat that you miss and accidentally sit down on, a family member not washing hands after going to the bathroom and then giving you a hug). How do you mentally handle that without it feeling like incest.

    how about using a wipe on the seat before sitting on it?

    for changing diapers – don’t think about it, just do it – you’re too overwhelmed with the smell anyway to think about other stuff most of the time

    but in reality, most people don’t think about it at all

  2. I’ll try to answer because you finished saying you wanted to know how people without OCD handle this.

    We don’t even think about it. I truly never even thought something like this could be a problem to someone, and I’m sorry that it’s like that for you.

    That being said, my husband has mild symptoms of OCD and I know how overwhelming it can be sometimes. I think your therapist is the best person to tell you how to act about your thoughts.

    I am curious, though, how is it that a person with OCD deals with a pee/poo fetish in the sexual way? Wouldn’t you consider it dirty? My husband doesn’t even come near me after I clean our toilet, only after I take a shower, can’t even imagine how OCD + pee/poo fetish could work

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