Men who have dated partners 7 years older than them. How is it going and what do you expect?

  1. 7 years is a very specific are gap. Do you mean up to 7 years, over 7 years, roughly 7 years or exactly 7 years?

  2. I used to go out with a woman that was 7 years older and it sucked. Mainly because she was really insecure and kept pushing me into relationship. Also, our life goals were completely different, sex was bad and I didn’t like her looks, so we stopped going out.

  3. I’m with someone who is near that figure, +/- a few years. It’s going phenomenal, we’ve been together for nearly a decade and she is the love of my life and the most amazing person I’ve ever met.

    Honestly there wasn’t a lot of expectation either way; I didn’t know she was specifically that much older than me until we had been dating for a month or so, and by that point I was hooked.

  4. Absolutely fine, but some of the milestones feel a bit weird. She’s approaching 50 while I’m not even 40. It’s not an issue, it just feels odd sometimes.

    Day to day, no drama at all – together 15 years, married, kids etc

  5. Honestly, 7 years is not bad. It’s a little weird for a Man to be that older than a woman. But honestly it doesn’t matter your still in the age group where you can relate to things. Its when you can no longer can relate that where things take a turn so to speak. Most important thing is unity, if yall are honest with each other, loyal to each other, and your foundations on how you will leave your lives are established and agreed upon together. Then is it is what it is.

  6. Did this when I was 18, though it was more like 10 years older. Lasted a few years. Fun times but stunted my personal growth and had to get out and figure stuff out on my own for a while before I was ready to get back into a serious relationship.

  7. I expected a certain level of maturity.

    What I got was less maturity than the highschool girls I dated as a teen.

  8. It was fun at first but we had so little in common and what we wanted from life was different so I ended it.

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