What would your day have looked like, if you didn’t have to work today?

  1. I would have slept a little longer, and now I’d be reading a book instead of redditing while pretending to work

  2. I would be spending the day outside enjoying the summer-like temperatures where I live on my bike or hiking

  3. I don’t have to work today and so far I have been on reddit, watched a few episodes of a show, cleaned/tidied a bit, and bought some stuff online.

  4. Today, I would’ve slept in another hour or so. Eaten breakfast and had a morning tea. Gone for a walk then to the gym. Curled up on the couch to game or read. More tea and lunch. Cat cuddles. Gone for another walk, stretch/yoga, journalled. Switched to decaf tea for another mug. Watched the new episode of the great Canadian baking show.

  5. I didn’t work today, so I woke up late, made a big breakfast and hot coffee, wasted time (hours) online and on Reddit, watched a show and now, well after lunchtime I’m finally going to get dressed and out the door even though it’s raining, but hey 🙂

  6. I’d have gone for a long walk and then sat in front of the tv knitting the rest of the day.

  7. unemployed here, and today looks like a day of cozying up in bed and catching up on the new szn of the Great British baking show. If I feel inspired, maybe I’ll go bake a pie 🙂

  8. I would have slept longer, played a few more hours Back4Blood with my husband, maybe watched a movie with him or would have created a commission map I’m working on.

  9. I’m in healthcare doing 3-12s per week so I don’t typically work Monday unless I pick up overtime.

    Today I slept until 945, made French toast, have been tidying up my apartment, and am about to lift some weights. Later tonight I’m going on a friend date with one of my besties – I don’t work tomorrow either 😅

  10. I would have slept in, then had a light breakfast, play with the dog and then settled down to watch a movie. After that a log walk with my dog.

  11. Well my cat stroller just got here so I would be taking a hot cat lady walk right now.

  12. I didn’t have to work today. I didn’t really do much. A bit of reading, some laundry, but besides that I was just fucking around online.

  13. I have a 3 month old and am still on mat leave so technically I’m not working today? Spending it waking her up every 3 hours to eat and play with me. In between wakings, doing laundry, cleaning bottles and pump parts, cleaning the bathroom, making lunch for me and the hubs (who works from home), reading about sleep training, and taking a toke or two. This evening I think I’ll take a bath 💗

  14. I’d have had a little lie in, then gone on an hour’s bike ride through the country lanes, come back, shower, lunch and then tidy around before collecting my kid from school. I really want Mondays off to do this, can’t afford to drop a day tho so wish that 4 day working week would happen.

  15. Well, I took the day off today. I cleaned up, washed my bedding, and I froze some soup I made yesterday. I ordered groceries so I can cook other things later. Will go to the gym in a bit and then am washing/deep conditioning my hair before a hair appt I have tomorrow.

    I’m also going to fill out my mail in ballot while I watch K-Dramas later 🥰

  16. Its a rainy day so i’d be on the couch under a blanket with the cat either reading or crocheting or watching TV or some combination of the above 🙂

  17. At least one more hour of sleep.

    Starting with a coffee and a late lazy breakfast.

    Since it is raining outside probably curling up with the cat on the couch watching movies and drinking tea.

    Finishing with a nice pasta and a glass of wine.

  18. I didn’t have work today. I slept until 3 pm, did some laundry, then gamed with some buddies for the rest of the day

  19. I am off work today…the 5 year old is also off school and he woke me up at 6:55am… I have spent most of today on the sofa… cleans a bit, took my husband to work and ate the things he doesn’t like out of the freezer. The 5 year old has chatted endlessly – to me, to himself, to his tablet. I’m sure I’m coming down with something but that could also be my body relaxing from not being at work!

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