Struggling with this, I feel like in the corner is almost juvenile but it offers more space for a shelves. However, in the middle of your room seems more mature. When did you make the move? Or what are you preferences. Utility and practical over people’s perceived perception?

  1. When I got my first real apartment. I put a 2 person bed in the middle of the room.

    It was very small and I put a nightstand on both sides. That left just enough room to get into the huge closet on the right side of the bed and get in the bed at the left side.

    My second place had an even smaller bedroom. But the large bed stayed in causing banged shins in the dark.

    Honestly if you have the room and can expect to ah… entertain ladies.. put it in the middle.
    Against the wall is acceptable if you have only one room.

  2. It was in the corner until I was about 30. Then I bought a real bed/bedframe and moved it to the middle of the room. I feel like middle of the room is much more adult. A nightstand on both sides with lamps. I also wanted a place a girl I bought home would be happy to bang in. Not a place that looked like a kids room.

  3. It’s your space. It should be the most pleasant for you. I have mine slightly off to the side of the window. Not centered. Way more room.

  4. Corner directly across from the TV and as close to the kitchen as possible

  5. It really depends on the layout of the room, and how big the bed is. I personally have a King size bed but my room lay out is kind of wonky so i was forced to put it in the middle.Ive personally always liked the corner because it offers the effect of having more room. Plus during the summer it was nice sleeping against a cold wall.

  6. Middle. If you plan on having any overnight visitors, you will inevitably want a way to get off the bed without waking the other person, and there’s a 50% chance that ain’t happening if one side is protected by a wall.

  7. I have mine so the head board is in the middle of a feature wallpapered wall. So you can walk down both sides of the bed

  8. Not just in the middle of a wall- go next level and then slide the bed away from that wall far enough so that you can easily walk around it on all 4 sides. Sounds crazy, but any woman that you manage to convince into walking through your door will know exactly what that bedroom is for. It’s a display of confidence and vigor

  9. Corner. Most places I have lived didn’t have space for bed in middle. I also sometimes like to have my back against the wall sometimes.

  10. I’d have to see it but when I was a teenager with a twin bed I placed it in the corner at a 45-degree angle. Still had wall space on either side for dressers etc. and was kind of unique. A full sized bed or bigger arranged like this would probably waste too much space tho.

    You mentioned bookshelves: if there’s room you could use something to raise a small bookshelf to headboard level.

    Realistically I agree that if you intend to share the bed more than occasionally I would not put it in the corner. It says “I’m not expecting to share my bed” and makes it awkward when you do.

  11. Depends on the living space. Right now I downsized and went back to renting a small single room. Bed goes against the wall for practicality reasons. When I had my house, and used the master bedroom and a separate office for my desk than the bed went in the middle of the room.

  12. middle but not really by choice. baseboard heaters and closet limit my options.

    Id go against the wall if i could though.

  13. Middle of the room and I have a small bedroom. It feels like middle school with a bed in the corner

  14. As a new father I’d say go for the middle. You’re probably going to have to corner that thing off for a while anyway if you ever have a kid in the future so might as well enjoy life in the middle now while you can

  15. Middle, to prevent anything crawling on the wall from getting onto your bed, i.e. Daddy long leg spiders.

  16. Long ago in a fairly large apartment bedroom I had a queen bed and had it in a corner but angled out like 30 degrees. I really liked that setup, different but functional.

  17. Corner. My bed is also quite small, a full I think.

    I can’t stand rooms that are dominated by beds with a tiny sliver of space around it to walk.

  18. That really depends on the room layout. If you have the space, middle is definitely preferable.

  19. I live in a very small place, so I kinda had to put it in the corner so I have some space left over. But I think I’d put it next to a wall even in a big room. Just feels right, you know?

  20. I’ve never had the bed in the middle of the room. I like my floor space. Plus I like being able to install little shelves above the bed for candles and such. Plus I have no reason to get out of bed on both sides. Plus it helps when my girlfriend takes naps with her 2 year old, it helps “contain” his monkey ass cuz he can sleep between her and the wall.

    But the main reason for this position is the outlets. I have one particular outlet that sometimes trips the breaker for some reason, so I had to move the bed to use the other one.

  21. I have a big bed in a small room. Naturally the bed is in the corner to make more room.

  22. moved to the middle in my late 20’s. Got a goose down comforter and a duvet. Now making the bed consists of a flick of the wrists.

  23. Corner. Middle is completely exposed and you are vulnerable to attack on two fronts instead of just one. Easier to stash a weapon down the side of the bed against the wall so you can simply reach down and grab it. This is a no brainer.

  24. The middle, space permitting. I’d rather have a bigger bed in the corner of a small bedroom than a small bed in the middle if room size was an issue.

  25. This is the first time I’ve heard associating bed location with maturity.

    Corner is the most practical for space purposes. I don’t know why you’d put it anywhere else.

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