How did you know when it was time to move out of your home state?

  1. When I realized we could go somewhere else and not pay $2000 a month for a studio apartment in a shitty neighborhood in a crowded city that we hated.

    You all have one guess to guess my home state and city.

  2. For me my home state is where my Mother died and the thought of going to that hospital was too much. In closing a permanent place to buy a house with my SO moving to him away from “home” felt like the best and easiest option.

  3. Too many Californians moved here and home prices, which have always been incredibly low, are now above the national average.

  4. born and raised in colorado, and i moved to montana for a few years. i thought i’d enjoy the more remote living, slower, etc. it was right as the population started soaring in denver and all the texans and californians and rich tech assholes started flooding in.

    i needed the change. unfortunately, family ended up pulling me back into denver, where the overcrowding has just gotten worse and worse. it’s awful.

  5. The minute I graduated hs and left a homophobic shithole behind. I miss some of the people, but overall the place is terrible.

  6. When I started reading at a young age and realized there was so much more out there and that my small-minded rural home state was not the right fit for me.

  7. For me it was always either my home state or a different country. I don’t really want to live anywhere else in the country. I’ve lived abroad for a few years in the past and I plan to move abroad again in a few years.

  8. I was homeless so I wandered, what else are you supposed to do when you’re 17, homeless and have no one to turn to?

  9. I moved out of state when I went to college and never went back. I just needed to see different places, different people, different culture. Upstate NY for college, then Japan, NYC, and now in LA. LA just feels right; laid back culture, creative industries, tons of queer people, and just so much diversity.

    Only thing I miss is the cold, but it’s worth it.

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