I think my original post got deleted and archived so I decided to post a new one. if that’s against the rules I apologize mods please let me know and I’ll remove this.


I wanted to give those of you who left such kind helpful comments an update. I have spoken to my husband and told him we will be getting a divorce and we need to put the children first and come up with a parenting plan and figure out child support. The children will primarily be with me and he will come take care of them at our home so they don’t lose their home in addition to all of this. Other than that he will be staying with his parents. I am trying to just keep my head down and see what my lawyer says. Thank you all for the help you gave me. It was good to get opinions from those removed from the situation. From here on out I will be focusing all my effort into my babies and trying to heal and find myself again.

  1. I read your original post. Thats just crazy what he did!! You got blindsided! I’m sorry.

    You are one strong woman. Your insides are in shreds. I know I’ve felt the pain and the emotions you feel right now. It will take time OP. Bless your heart.


  2. You’re so strong dealing with this so well.

    Bet he’ll come back crawling once it doesn’t work out

  3. Have you spoken with a real lawyer? You might be entitled to more support? Also, agreements that are not official tend to lose ground real fast.

    You seem like a badass woman. You did right for you and the kids.

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