My (M21) gf (22) told me today that she doesn’t feel anything when seeing a dick and she never felt wet just by seeing some sexy man – as her friends reportedly did. Now this comes after a whole 6 weeks of not having sex. (this and last weekend I gave her oral, so at least there’s finally some intimacy) And she said so after I tried making her horny in order to finally have piv, because everything else was right. Also, she never touches my dick directly, except I lead her hand after she already grabbed my crotch to make me horny. I feel like she only makes me horny when she wants to ride my face, but never ever because she wants my dick. This whole situation makes me feel so worthless.


So I don’t know – either my dick isn’t right for her, I never did the right thing with her during sex to love it all, or she’s not as straight as I thought.


Solutions are welcome, except “just dump her”, “you’re not sexually compatible” and so on bc I already have these kind of thoughts and I’m coming here to get a better solution

  1. Has she seen a dr might be a hormone imbalance
    Sit down with her and have a frank discussion .
    What does she want sexually ?
    What can you do to help her

  2. Not here to say break up, or you’re not sexually compatible (though maybe you aren’t if she’s not into PIV) but what I didn’t see above is you talking to her about it? Have you asked her why you initiate, or why she only initiates if she wants oral? That would be the first step.

  3. She needs therapy to deal with her past trauma from the prior relationship, possibly EMDR therapy. Also you being pushy is probably just triggering her, making it worse and reminding her of her ex.

  4. Most women don’t get super turned on by the mere sight of a dick. Women, in general, are. Ot as visual with men about stuff like that.

  5. Could she just not be into men? It’s possible that she likes the pleasure you give her, but she isn’t attracted to men.

  6. Just walk away. You’re going to end up being so depressed if you stay in this relationship. Take some time regroup and find yourself a partner who you can actually work with

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