Do American workers use Reddit and other websites even if they’re in the workplace?

  1. Many do, some don’t. It can depend mostly on the employer, boss/manager and even the specific employment site.

  2. I am right now but I can easily get away with it. Using social media during work hours is *generally* frowned upon except during lunch or other personal time.

  3. Hell, I got Reddit open on one monitor and a game on my laptop right now. Gotta fight the downtime somehow.

  4. Some do. Some companies will block social media sites.

    While at work, assume that the company can track every single website you visit. Some employers will actively manage and some don’t care. Most employers are probably somewhere in between.

  5. If I’m on a break I definitely would. If I’m at my desk I probably still would, but I’m more mindful of watching over my shoulder. Should also note that there’s no safety risk or anything if I’m spending time looking at my phone.

  6. Sometimes I have hours to kill before I’m really doing anything at work so I will peruse Reddit from time to time

  7. Yes, it’s best to do so from a personal device if possible.
    I once had a co-worker ask me if I saw this cool article on Reddit not knowing I was the person who submitted it to the same sub. Was a great moment.

  8. It’s about the only time I’m on reddit. I usually keep it up in the background of my work computer. Do some work, mess around on reddit, do some work, rinse and repeat until end of work. I work for a small (2 person) company so I’m not worried about an IT department. because I am the IT department and I don’t know shit about IT lol.

  9. On my phone while working from home. Just tap the mouse every couple minutes so I’m still active in Teams.

  10. I do not use my work computer for many personal things.

    I am logged onto my Google Account to stream YouTube Music, and maybe do reading on Politico and that’s about it.

    I would not use socials on my work computer. But my phone connected to work wifi? Sure.

  11. Half the time I feel like *most* American Redditors are using it from the workplace. ~~like me right now~`

  12. Never. I am insulted at the implication!

    I use it on my phone, mostly to clear my mind between work tasks. I am sure it violates an official policy, but nobody cares what I do at work as long as I get my work done.

  13. I’m at work right now. My job isn’t hourly, so Reddit and elsewhere provide a break and no one cares as long as my work gets done.

  14. I used to sneak some time in here or there. Now that I work from home, I have Reddit open all the time.

  15. Yeah, because for some reason we have to work 8 hours a day, when many of us could do our actual work in half that…

  16. Shoot, I needed to visit r/walmart a few times to figure out how to do specific things on the employee website.

  17. America is a country of 330 million people

    I would say most Americans don’t even use Reddit in the first place. As for the ones who do… wether they are able to use Reddit on the job probably depends on the job wouldn’t you say?

  18. If they don’t want you on it – they should block it.

    Just Kidding! I never had time at work (Public School teacher) to even PEE let alone peruse reddit.

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