If someone is energetic and talkative, so am I. If someone is quiet and awkward, so am I. When I’m not feeling my best and I meet up with a friend, it can go either way, depending on the other persons energy: either I get extra tired and come home wrecked, or I come back to life and have energy for ten. I therefore still don’t know if I’m an introvert or an extrovert, or if I’m a shy or social person.

Why is this? And who recognizes this? Do you see this as a positive or a negative trait? And how do you deal with people who drain your energy, even if they don’t do it on purpose (it’s often the sweet quiet people who make me feel this way)? I would like to be a bit more ‘steady’ in that regard.

  1. Yes this is relatable. It sounds like you’re extroverted imo 🙂 –but remember nothing is simply one or the other, every person shares introverted and extroverted traits.

    Having said that and only off of this post, it does seem like you have personality preferences with which you would rather socialize with, and that is ok! 😄

    Gl! ~~~

  2. That is completely normal. Most people feel the awkwardness if they talk to an awkward person.

    Some people are so extroverted that they manage to lead a whole conversation by themselves (and with themselves…) talking to an extremely awkward person.

    Nothing to be worried about. We are meant to be influenced by others. How else will we learn? 🙂

  3. Most everyone is like this IMO. And I think thats kinda at the heart of having “Charisma” – you just have a positive expressive energy and other people end up just feeling good around you.

    Its honestly one of the things I find challenging – is to kinda have that energy/confidence in spite of both personal depression/struggles, and in spite of whatever the energy of the room is.

  4. I’m easily influenced by the energy of others, but in the reverse – if I’m with a quiet person, I’ll supply more conversation. If I’m with a talkative, high-energy person I’ll be a bit more of a quiet listener.

  5. Bro I’m the exact same way if the conversations flowing And I’m getting the same energy back I can talk/laugh for hours but if I’m not getting the same energy I normally come home feeling exhausted from the experience and doubting heaps of things

  6. So, you have the ability to adapt to others energy. Think of this is a power, right now you can’t control this power and it just runs wild. In time however, you will be able to feel someone else’s energy and then consciously decide whether or not to let it affect you. Therefore making this a very positive trait.

  7. i am easily influenced by the energy of others. i am an extroverted introvert. this means i can socially adapt to my environment, but at the same time i need energy to recharge, otherwise my social battery will become drained.

  8. Opiate addiction use to dull me down when I was younger was fun for first few years then got to point where it was torture an couldn’t find myself being around anyone for too long without needing more of a dose even then it would still be hard.

  9. me af. idk why. we are sensitive and somehow leaned to pay close attention to others to make sure we align. a natural tendency toward assimilating. idk

  10. There are different kinds of empathy. We usually think of cognitive empathy when we talk about it but look up affective/emotional empathy. Or hyperempathy. It’s the inability to shut out what others are actually feeling.

  11. I do the exact same thing, there’s this quiet colleague of mine, I cannot talk to someone who doesn’t respond the in the same way, there’s something off and I go quiet.

  12. It’s called Emotional Contagion and is completely normal. It affects people and animals

  13. Oh I am, but unfortunately most of my friends are suicidal and has depression… And I often spend my days talking them out of it and just trying to be a supportive friend

  14. You are aware that you’re mimicking others. It is an evolutionary pattern (Chameleon Effect), nothing wrong with it. It’s your choice to be influenced by others. Make the decision whether saving thier behavior will be beneficial or not.

    Having awareness allows you to be able to try to reduce the effect someone can have on you as well. It’s quite interesting, just when you think you have control haha

  15. I’m the same way. I’ve heard it referred to as being “a chameleon.”

    I’m a super people pleaser and I go off of other peoples vibe because I’m very conscious of how my behavior is making them feel. If someone is more quiet and reserved I don’t want to make them uncomfortable by being extroverted.

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