I am about to go off coffee totally (even tea, because it contains caffeine), because my anxiety is becoming way worse after it. Negative thoughts and etc.

What is the reason you quit coffee?

  1. Panic attacks became basically a daily occurrence, trouble sleeping, jitters, and general fatigue.

    By the way OP, coming off it was utterly brutal. Like 3 days of rage, cold sweats, migraines, and dissociation.

    Good luck!

  2. Exactly the same reasons.

    I used to get terrible anxiety, OCD, depression and insomnia from caffeine.

    I really looked at my diet, which was pretty good but realised that caffeine was the issue. I quit cold turkey and never went back to it.

    It’s known that some people metabolise caffeine slowly (they have trouble with it).

    It’s funny, if someone ever posts about caffeine being bad they’ll get downvoted. 🙂

    Addiction is a terrible thing.

  3. Owned an espresso machine when I started working from home. Was knocking them back all day long and overdid it. Went from getting a headache if I missed my caffeine intake to waking up with a headache and having to drink to make it go away.

    My recommendation…instead of going cold turkey, start mixing in some decaf. 75/25 for a week, then 50/50, etc. Wean yourself off gently.

  4. I quit every now and then for a caffeine tolerance reset. i find my anxiety is less after a few days, but it eventually returns even when I’m off it. Luckily I enjoy black coffee without any sugar or extra calories added. After taking a month break that first cup of coffee is amazing. Just remember decaf coffee still contains caffeine, just a lot less.

  5. I never stopped. I understand why some do. But I feel almost no effects from it. I drink moderately though 2 cups a day

  6. I switched to only decaf about 2 years ago for the same reasons and I noticed a substantial improvement in my overall anxiety levels especially at work. I suggest giving it a go for sure !

  7. I’ve quit due to heart palpitations. They were constant and so uncomfortable. Plus, I find I’m not as bloated when I don’t drink it which is a bonus.

  8. Ha look at that I too have just recently had to give it up I live with bipolar type 2 and caffeine is a no if you smoke cut that out as well only increases anxiety wish you the best.

  9. I try to keep my caffeine intake low to avoid becoming dependent on it. Then I can have an extra boost when I need it. Unfortunately, I was less disciplined about it recently and now I’m drinking a huge coffee in the morning.

  10. i got diagnosed with adhd and started taking pills for it. turns out coffee is like non alcoholic wine, not even close to the boost that i need and i shouldnt mix it with the pills

    on days i dont take my pill ill have 1 coffee, honestly the alertness from it is boring, fleeting, maybe not even there. But i do like a good 7$ pumpkin spice latte cant get a better taste sipping on a beverage like that

  11. I had gastric bypass surgery in Jan. I’ve tried once I was allowed to again and it’s so strong it hurts my new pouch. It’s just not worth the stomach ache every day.

  12. Granulated white sugar. I like my coffee sweet, so the sugar consumption was excessive and bad for my health. Now I drink green tea with a bit of honey in it.

  13. Yes! Caffeine really aggravated my anxiety. I was in denial about it for years. I also came to realize it didn’t change my mood so there wasn’t anything really fun about it. It just made me *awake*, and if I had even a single sip too many I’d turn into a ball of dread for like half a day. I’d repeat this cycle every single day. Life has been so much more serene since I quit.

  14. Good luck with getting off that coffee caffeine kick. I’m 46 years old and have never drank coffee once in my life. I’ve been working construction since middle school with my dad. So getting up at 5:00 am has always been a part of my life. My wife on the hand can’t start her mornings without her coffee!!!

  15. I found that I was using it to mask the symptoms of my depression. I decided to work on the depression instead.

  16. I stopped drinking Diet Coke cold turkey about eight years ago for all the same reasons. I don’t miss it at all. Now I just have a Yeti bottle of ice water with me all the time.

  17. I haven’t quit 100%, but I drink tea now, coffee sometimes on the weekend if I want something special. Coffee to tea was night and day for me, way smoother energy, much better overall feeling. I drink high quality tea from China, some of it is grown in wild tea gardens that grow out in nature. So like terroir of wine affecting flavor, the tea I drink might give a different experience than the mass cultivated bag tea.

    I’ve quit a couple times and I do like not having the obligation to get caffeine in me, but the withdrawals were gnarly.

  18. I have been fully decaf now for almost two years. It gave me horrible anxiety. Sometimes I’ll have an iced tea or something and the next day I am in a complete fog. It took me a few weeks, but after that I noticed a huge difference. I was sleeping better, my anxiety was less, as was my depression, and my stomach wasn’t upset as often.

  19. I haven’t?

    I’ve given up weed and alcohol, this is my last hold out.

    So long as I drink my few cups before 10 or so in the morning I sleep just fine. Sometimes take L-Theanine before hand to smooth it out.

  20. I was told to cut down so I didn’t pee as much. It didn’t seem to help at all, so I started up again.

  21. I drink caffeine free coffee and tea and have for years now. I am aware there’s still a small amount of caffeine but I don’t notice the problems sleeping etc that I used to have.

    Decaffeinated black tea FTW. ☕

  22. I get breakouts (pimples) inside my nose and on my forehead. Otherwise I would drink it. It’s just never agreed with me. Even as I’m approaching middle age. I also get jittery when I do drink it because my body isn’t accustomed.

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