I just had an overthink moment while being in the shower and I wanna ask you about your point of view of the situation.

I’m 24 years old guy from a country in Southeastern Europe – my interests are gaming/ TV series/ group activities with friends \[ prefer mostly indoor activities – board games/ as I’ve mentioned – TV series\] and travel.

For the 24 years on this planet I can easily say that I have 2 really really good friends – we’ve met in 3rd grade and since then we’ve always been close – going out daily, sharing and being supportive. But they are literally the opposite of me – they do not like games, they don’t watch TV series, they prefer outdoor activities and last but not least – they both have girlfriends and I don’t… which sometimes is the reason to not go out with them cause I just feel weird being out with 2 couples.

Since I’m huge GoT/House of the dragon fan, I love to watch reactions of certain episodes and after seeing a group of people in a bar watching the final episode of X season – I felt really empty. What I miss is a group of people that would ask me – “Yo, we are going to watch the new episode of House of the Dragon, wanna join us?” or “They will reveal the new \[insert game name here\] wanna come to my place to watch it?”.. but I literally have not a single close friend that does this…

What would you advice me to do? I know 24 years old is still a young person but I think I’ve missed the opportunity to bond in a group with similar interests..

1 comment
  1. Be what you want to attract/create!
    Don’t wait for someone else to ask you to a GoT party – be the one to ask others.

    Is there anything like [Meetup.com](https://Meetup.com) thats popular in SE Europe? That’d be an ideal place to advertise a GoT club (or maybe make it more general than GoT so that it can continue after the series ends) .

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