I am 22M, We are a total of 6 friends including me, 3M and 3F. we all are the same age and every one of them had sex many times before, not with each other, I’m the only one who is still a virgin. none of them is in any relationship right now, every one of them goes on dates and casual sex, even my 2 male friends went for a call girl in Thailand last month. so now you can imagine the situation I guess!

They often made fun of me for being a virgin and I felt this unintentional pressure from them. I have never been in a relationship, and honestly, I feel really awkward when I even thought of casual sex, I will be naked in front of someone I don’t know. I’m not saying I don’t want sex, but I want to know her first, For me, it’s important to know the other person. I never understood how two people have sex and probably slept that night and after that, they forgot each other and went for another one. no offence though!

So, what should I do now? Looking for some general advice.

  1. Honestly, they don’t sound like good friends.

    Good friends wouldn’t make fun of you for being a virgin. Everyone takes life at their own pace. Not a single one of my friends made fun of me when I hadn’t had sex yet. I have friends that haven’t chosen to have sex yet, and I have never once made fun of them or pressured them into it.

    Take life at your pace. Don’t do something you don’t want to do and that you’d regret later. Ignore what your “friends” say.

  2. No rush, theres nothing wrong with letting it happen naturally. Not judging but wouldnt it feel a little unnatural to have a callgirl for your first time?

    Honestly people make it out to be a bigger deal than it actually is, and when you do end up having sex for the first time you’ll understand. Dont sweat it and focus on finding someone who makes you happy, trust me that’s worth way more

  3. >So, what should I do now?

    Ignore your friends. Have sex when you feel ready for it, with someone you‘re comfortable having it with.

  4. Ignore them is the best advice, other than get new friends. They are picking on you because they know it bothers you, which is dick. Your sex life is yours to decide what and who to do it with for the EXACT reason you have to live with the consequences.

    Wait until find someone you trust. If you browse through this reddit, you will see tons of examples of how bad sex has fucked with people’s physical and mental health. Find someone that for sure won’t cause those issues for you.

  5. Your friends literally had to pay for sex, and unless i misread, they shared one girl….

    It sounds to me like theyve got it worse than anyone else.

    Sex can be just a thing to do, but not everyone has to be as casual about it as them either. Do things at your own pace. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with that

  6. Everyone approaches sex differently and it’s all ok. If it’s getting too hard to ignore just tell them (or one of them if there is an influencer in the group) that’s it’s too much pressure they’re putting on. They probably don’t even realize that you are uncomfortable with it and if they are good friends, they’ll let up right away.

  7. One of the hardest things good and nice people face in life is saying “no” to people they care about because they value the relationships they have so much they don’t want to upset anyone, they even look inward and blame themselves for faults and situations that might not be their own doing. They are so bloody considerate that they will put other people’s values and opinions above their own. It’s OK to be good and kind and caring, I think you should maybe consider looking inside and give yourself that same kind of positive treatment: that your values and opinions and wants are important too. 22 is not too old to be a virgin and waiting for a situation that you’ll be able to fully enjoy. You can, if you want, appreciate their concern for you that they might be projecting their own insecurities about having sex on to you. Maybe they suffered so much that they thought you must be suffering like they did, but you can let them know they don’t need to worry about you that way and maybe even show them through your confidence that they don’t need to worry like that .

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