When is the last time laughed at something so hard you couldn’t stop thinking about it for hours? ☺

  1. I have moments like this often these days. My kids, my boyfriend and his son, we all have really great fun.

    The most recent laugh like that relates to the D&D game we are all playing.

  2. My entire group at work is working crazy overtime right now (we work in emergency management and Ian just happened). I’m in a group of 3 women who have an active Teams chat for banter just to keep us sane, and one day, we decided to try to only talk in *Princess Bride* gifs. We were all dying by the end.

    I ended up laughing so hard that I cried because I had lamented about my 3 year old son’s school pictures looking like he had an 80s hair band hairstyle (overtime made me forget he needed a haircut), and my friend responded with a gif of Humperdinck.

    It probably wasn’t as funny as we all thought it was, but working 180 hours every 2 weeks can make you a bit goofy.

  3. The clip that was made where scientists recreated what a mummy’s voice would sound like and it was just “arggghhh”

    The poorly drawn lines comic of two seahorses. One seahorse says to the other one
    “I saw a land horse swimming once, and I was like who the fuck do you think you are”

  4. My sister and I we were in the car and she was watching a video of a bird making a “boingboingboinggggg” sound we were dying of laughter .🤣

  5. I saw a video on Reddit about a statue being demolished with a crane and a cable but then it fell and his head hung in the cable and fly off.

    I couldn’t stop laughing or giggling for hours..

  6. Just the other day. My BFF and I are playing Gotham Knights and we’ve both decided that Jason Todd is a big beefy dummy – I don’t know shit about batman so he’s probably not an idiot but that’s what we landed on. There was a cut scene where he’s just pacing angrily in the background and my BFF shouted “he hasn’t punched anything in minutes! He got the punch sweats!” That just slayed me and I started howling with laughter. I’m giggling now just typing it out although I’m 100% certain nobody else would find that funny.

  7. When I visited my family over the weekend and we found a mouse accidentally while putting away patio furniture, and then I got so scared I tripped over the gate and fell down and slipped in the mud. My mom and I were wheezing and crying from laughter.

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