More a rant than anything… but can someone explain how there actually exist people who have absolutely no empathy or compassion for others, manipulates them for their own benefit, are legit sociopaths and narcissists who wouldn’t care if you died as long as they get some attention? Holy fucking shit. I’m so tired of making myself vulnerable and getting attached to people like this

  1. I know what you mean. I have a tough time talking to more than 1 girl at a time simply because I don’t want to lead one of them on.

  2. At the first sign of someone being abusive/narcissistic/a sociopath, walk away and don’t look back. Block their number. Cut off their access to you. Look up trauma bonding and intermittent reinforcement. This is what keeps people hooked onto abusive relationships.

  3. There are usually red flags early on to these types of people, think about your previous experiences, hell google what some common traits are for those types of people. Then when you see those traits you are more likely to drop that relationship earlier and not fall for their shit.

  4. Yeah people like this stay single so that’s why we see them so often on the apps and things as the dating pool diminishes.

  5. Hey have you ever been to therapy? I don’t mean this to say there is something wrong with you, but those types of people often pick people who are easy to exploit. I used to be super similar and I went to therapy to build my self confidence and work on my anxiety and catastrophising. Since then everything has been a lot better and I’ve gotten way better at spotting and avoiding that type of person and realising when I’m being manipulated

  6. Unfortunately people don’t come with warning labels. Sorry you had to go through that. Today is a new day. It’s Monday! Try to have a good day.

  7. If you consistently get similar results over a prolonged period of time odds are the issue isn’t with everyone else. I’d do some introspection and see why you are attracting a certain kind of person and work on fixing that first.

  8. I’m gonna say something here and you’re not gonna like me for it.

    If it’s a pattern, you’re the problem, not the other person. There is something broken in you that you that you haven’t taken the correct steps to fix, and sociopaths and narcissists can smell it on you.

    I’m not saying this to make you feel bad, I’m telling you that it is in your best interest to abstain from dating for a while and seeing a therapist. You need to heal before you get involved with anyone else, because even if you find someone who is great you’ll end up wreaking havoc in the relationship subconsciously.

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