Today marks 2 weeks of having a girlfriend, she’s the most loving caring person I’ve ever met and I couldn’t be happier.

We met about 2 months ago through a mutual friend and hit it off through texting at first, we met up and things evolved from there. At the time I was dealing with a lot of mental anguish as I’m sure everyone has experienced before, the feeling of being used, played, that sort of thing.

But I feel like my whole life has turned around, the anti depressants I used to take seem to not have much of an effect because I’m never down in the dumps like how I used to be. I haven’t been overthinking things that people tell me anymore, and overall I feel much more confident talking to people, friends even.

It took someone being there for me for me to realize I’m not worthless like I told myself many times before.

Basically I just want to tell you all, whatever your thinking, whether overthinking social situations or feeling bad about yourself, that feeling is temporary. You are all unique amazing people, and I just felt like saying if I could end up doing something good, I know for sure everyone in this sub can.

I believe in you guys!

  1. Yeah the “getting a girlfriend won’t make you happy” saying is just straight BS of course having a girlfriend will make you happier instead of just being miserable alone like myself.

  2. Okay🤓I read this, and dang I feel motivated by this! So I thank you, one for hangin’ in here in this life, to be able to have met your new life, that congratulations, includes new girlfriend, and thank you for being kind and taking this time to share as well. I appreciate you🫶🏼🙋🏻‍♀️

  3. Happy for you!!

    But it does seem like the newfound happiness and feelings of “my problems are finally solved” mindset stems from your relationship. I’m not saying it’s bad to be happy in a positive loving relationship, just DO NOT base or generate all your happiness from the relationship because if/when it ends, you MAY go back into the state you were in before you got a girlfriend.

    Wishing you the best though!!🙌🏿

  4. And this is why I hate all of the “love yourself” advice. If anything I’d argue that it’s the opposite. I’ve noticed that the people who are the most confident have a solid support system.

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