I (M18) got my first handjob last night. It wasn’t until I finished and it was her first time giving one but I didn’t really feel it all that much. It was more mentally stimulating that physically. Is my dick just not sensitive or is that normal? Thank you for any help

  1. Same here, like myself you are used to your own hand and is not used to another persons. This will get better over time.

  2. She probably wasn’t squeezing hard enough. I’m guessing it probably took much longer than usual? It might take a few trys for her until she gets the formula right

  3. Just tell her what you like, communicate lots, my boyfriend had to tell me exactly where he likes to be held, and he didn’t like his foreskin going back too far and he told me when I was at the right pressure etc etc.

    Now with a lot of practice I can make him orgasm harder than he ever has on his own, his whole body goes into a giant spasm and his legs shake uncontrollably. 😅 So be patient.

    Also if you masturbate a lot or do it pretty hard maybe ease off a bit, it will make it more enjoyable when you are with your girlfriend. Some guys don’t touch themselves for a while before meeting their girlfriend to make it feel better.

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