So I’m a 27m, matched with a woman a month ago and we’ve been seeing each other since. We’re pretty casual, not exclusive yet, meeting up usually once a week or so. Overall I’m having a good time with her, I’m attracted to her, all the bells and whistles.

The weird thing is….I’m not crazy about her. She’s not someone I would see at the grocery store and be like “man I really want to go to talk to that woman”. For me this is new territory because in my (few) previous relationships, I was extremely attached to the woman I was seeing. Finding them extremely hot (even if looking back they weren’t necessarily), wanting to spend every minute with them, texting them, etc. Now I still look forward to seeing her, but I can also go without for awhile.

Is this what it feels like to have an actual normal relationship not built on dependency? I guess I just want to make sure I’m not “settling” for someone I’m not over the moon for simply because this is the first relationship I’ve been in for awhile.

1 comment
  1. It is kind of a warning sign… OTOH things seem to be going well. Probably do a couple more dates and reevaluate

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