So let me briefly give some context before I provide the unfortunate text I received yesterday.

I went out with this girl on Thursday and it seemed like we hit it off pretty well. We align a lot on our values and such, talked for almost 3 hours. The date ends & I kinda gave her an awkward hug goodbye and thats that. An hour later she texted to see if I got home safe and we both exchanged texts saying the date was fun.

A few things to note: she said she is pretty inexperienced in dating, she was homeschooled, and she sticks pretty close to home and never really goes out much alone. She also said she is hesitant to go out much alone. She also works 50 hrs a week and has little free time.

Anyways I texted her yesterday asking if she’d be down to go dancing this week (she said she likes to dance) and she said “sounds fun. Let me check my sched and ill let u know. Have a great day!”

Obviously the dreaded “i’ll let you know” is not what we want to hear, it means no in most circumstances. Is her full text just her dressing up her disinterest? Is she maybe just not sure and will get back to me?

Also, as an aside, our texts have been pretty dry and formal and I fucking hate texting so would it be weird to just call her up tomorrow or today if I haven’t heard from her?

I was thinking of just calling and seeing how her day was, maybe sharing something funny from my day, and then saying I gtg talk to you later. Just to still show some interest/that im interesting but not appear needy & like I need to go out with her or anything.

  1. Like you said, she works a lot during the week and has little free time so she’s probably just busy. Have the texts changed a lot since your date? Is she engaging in conversation?

  2. don’t do anything. you said she works a lot so she’s obviously busy and might actually need time to figure out her schedule. if you send a follow up text you will just appear pushy, at least to me anyway.

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